Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
  • What will you be doing next weekend?

    Any of our EF friends, what did you do a few weeks ago?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Well we celebrated the old feast a few weeks ago...
    Christus Vincit from the Worcester Antiphonal
    Asperges (Chant)
    Full Propers sung from the Graduale Romanum
    Mass XI Credo I (Sung by the children's choir)
    Dominus Regnavit, Josquin Desprez, (we will split the Psalm in half and sing half at the Offertory and the other half at Communion.)
    Communion motet 1.: Ave Maria chant (sung by the Children's choir)
    Communion motet 2.: Second half of the Dominus Regnavit setting above
    Communion motet 3.: Te Saeculorum Principem, Vespers hymn for the Feast of Christ the King.
    Domine Salvum Fac, from a Jacobite Manuscript c.1740.
    Simple Salve Regina
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    As far as English hymns for the NO: To Jesus Christ our Soverign King.
  • Thinking of the line, "All on earth thy scepter claim", you could use all seven verses of Holy God we praise Thy Name.

  • EF:
    Pro/recessional: Crown him with many crowns
    Mass I, Credo I, Gregorian proper, psalmtoned verses for Gradual and Alleluia
    Offertory: Gloria laus et honor
    Communion: Te saeculorum principem

    A lot of chant, but my group doesn't learn part music easily, and there's not a lot for this anyway. The throwback to Palm Sunday and Easter might raise an eyebrow, but "Gloria laus" was the peoples' formal acceptance of the King, and the Resurrection was Christ's demonstration of His Kingship.

    Next year: I received from Horst Buchholz a scan of René L. Becker's Proper cycle, which he got from Becker's papers at University of Michigan. I type set these and they are up on IMSLP. They're good: homophonic and in close score with implied organ accompaniment. Pretty short, and pompous enough, and can be made to work even if you don't have all 4 parts (as I often don't).

    Tomjaw, I didn't think of Domine Salvum Fac settings. Hmm...
    Thanked by 2tomjaw ghmus7
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    For Year C I've added corrections & dynamics to Unus autem de his.
  • Here's my small contribution to the repertoire.
    Regnum ejus -- for 2 voices for Christ the King.pdf
  • • Prelude: Christus Vincit (chant)
    • Opening Hymn: Crown Him with Many Crown (with an Introductory organ solo: Magnificat in D Major, Verset 1 by JF Dandrieu)
    Segue into: Simple English Propers Introit (reharmonized to better fit the hymn.)
    Responsorial Psalm: Ostrowski’s setting from Vatican II hymnal
    •Gospel Acclamation: my own setting for Christ’s solemnities and feasts
    • Offertory:
    1st mass - Fr Weber’s offertory Antiphon (I), followed by the instrumental “Ecce Tempus” by Thomas Tallis
    2nd and 3rd - Jesu Rex Admirabilis by Palestrina, introduced and followed by anonymous XVI cent. “paduana del rey”
    • Communion:
    1st and 2nd Mass: Fr. Columba Kelly’s communion Antiphon and verses
    3rd Mass: “the Lord Sits as King forever” Lassus are. Heath Morber (English Motets)
    • Post-Communion: Christus Vincit (the choral one everyone knows), and an organ arrangement of an orchestral Handel piece.
    Recessional Hymn: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
    Postlude: March in F by Alexandre Guilmant
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    It's interesting to note that To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King was written just 81 years ago.
  • Prelude: Fr Weber Entrance Antiphon
    Processional: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
    Ordinary: Mass of St Phillip Neri
    Offertory: Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending
    Communion: Fr Weber Antiphon and At the Name of Jesus
    Recessional: Crown Him With Many Crowns
  • Introit Gradual
    offertory: Ave Rex Gloriae
    Consecration to Mary (a tradition for us): Nitida Stella
    Recessional: Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina)
    Nitida Stella.pdf
    ave rex gloriae.pdf
  • St. Mary's, Tampa:

    Entrance/Communion antiphons: Weber or Simple English Propers
    Processional: Crown Him with Many Crowns
    Psalm 122: Guimont
    Offertory Anthem: O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Albrecht - SJMP)
    Communion Hymn: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
    Communion Motet: Jesu Rex Admirabilis
    Closing Hymn: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Cathedral:

    Processional: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT)
    Gloria: Mass of the Immaculate Conception, P. Latona
    Psalm: R. Batastini/J. Gelineau
    Gospel Acclamation: Mass of the Immaculate Conception, P. Latona
    Offertory: Christ is the King! (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
    Parts: Mass of the Immaculate Conception, P. Latona
    Communion: Priestly People, L. Deiss
    Recessional: Rejoice, the Lord is King! (DARWALL’S 148TH)

    Home parish:

    Processional: Christ is the King! (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations, C. T. Andrews
    Psalm: O. Alstott
    Gospel Acclamation: Festival Alleluia, J. Chepponis
    Offertory: All Glory, Laud, and Honor (ST. THEODULPH)
    Parts: Mass of Christ the Savior, D. Schutte
    Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat, R. Kreutz / Worthy is the Lamb, R. Manalo
    Recessional: Rejoice, the Lord is King! (DARWALL’S 148TH)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    E: Rejoice the Lord is King (DARWALL’S 148TH)
    Mass: Mass of St Francis (Horst Buchholz)
    Ps: Royce Nickel
    All.: Celtic Alleluia, Batastini verse
    O: Crown him with many crowns (DIADEMATA)
    C: Weber Antiphon, organ voluntary, Jesus, Remember me (TAIZE)
    Choir: O Jesus, King most wonderful (Published by Concordia)
    R: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT)
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost for us...

    Asperges first melody.
    INT. Dicit Dominus (Isaac setting sung in full with G.P.)
    KYR. Mass XI
    GLO. Mass XI
    GRAD. Liberasti nos, Domine (chant from G.R. 1924)
    ALL. De profundis (Isaac setting sung in full with chant for first alleluia)
    CR. Credo IV
    OFF. De profundis (Palestrina setting)
    SAN. Mass XI
    AGN. Mass XI
    COM. Amen dico vobis. (Isaac setting alternated with chant psalm verses and the chant setting from the G.R.)
    ITE. Mass XI
    Prayer for the King (setting from Missa Exsultate Deo, Sebastian Brossard)(
    Marian Anthem. Salve Regina, solemn tone
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Propers - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Ordinary - Communion Service in E (Collegium Regale), Darke

    Prelude - Agincourt Hymn, Dunstable
    Processional Hymn - Crown Him With Many Crowns (DIADEMATA)
    Sprinkling Rite - Asperges Me, trad.
    Offertory Anthem - Above All Praise and Majesty, Mendelssohn
    Communion Hymn - The Royal Banners Forward Go (VEXILLA REGIS)
    Solemn Procession and Benediction - Laudes Regiae, Christus Vincit, Aloys Kunc, with Psalm 148, O Salutaris (WERNER), Pange Lingua (Sarum, tone iii)
    Closing Hymn - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
    Postlude: Sortie on GROSSER GOTT and LAUDES REGIAE
    Thanked by 2John_F_Church tomjaw
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St. David of Wales, Richmond Calif.
    Ye watchers and ye holy ones
    Sherwin Mass Gloria
    Off. Unus autem de his Gounod (Postula me at 8:00 Mass; there are missing C flats in Am. Gr. I think)
    Sanctus & Agnus Proulx Community Mass
    Sedebit (American Gradual)
    Post Comm. Wonderous Love
    Crown hin with many crowns
  • Nathan -
    What music did you use for 'Lo, He Comes...'?
    Was it perchance Bryn Calfaria?

    Chris C-Z -
    There is nothing 'small' about your effort.
    It is truly moving!
  • Jackson,
    Thank you.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • MJO, I used HELMSLEY out of the Pew Missal. Why?

    I just pulled up a recording, it's a gorgeous hymn tune.
  • Alt-Marienkirche,
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Eröffnung: Gelobt sei Jesus Christus
    Dir Gott im Himmel Preis und Ehr
    Sequenz: Lobe den Herren
    Gabenbereitung: Ehre, Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe
    O du Lamm Gottes (gregorianische Choral)
    Kommunion: Schönster Herr Jesu
    Entlassung: Großer Gott
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Procession: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
    Kyrie: Willan
    Gloria: Heritage
    Psalm: Ignatius pew missal
    Alleluia: mode vii (graduale simplex)
    Offertory: organ versets by Frescobaldi
    Sanctus & Agnus: Mass XIII (english contrafactum from Ignatius pew missal)
    Communion: Weber antiphon
    Communion: Jesu Rex Admirabilis (in alternatim with the chant hymn "Jesu dulcis memoria")
    Retiring Procession: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen