Lander, WY: Adjunct Director of Sacred Music
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,182
    Job Title: Adjunct Director of Sacred Music
    Department: Faculty
    Reports to: Assistant Dean of Students

    Wyoming Catholic College seeks to hire an adjunct professor to lead the College’s sacred music program beginning in the fall semester of 2023. This program is to be led in keeping with the language of the College’s Philosophical Vision Statement: “Wyoming Catholic College will establish and cultivate a proper campus culture through the liturgy, sacraments, and music of the Catholic Church integrated into the life of the College.” The college’s extra-curricular mixed choir sings a repertoire of traditional sacred chant, polyphony, and hymns in the context of weekly Liturgies. They are expected to sing on Sundays, and at key moments of the College calendar: e.g., Commencement, the Patronal Feast, the Sacred Triduum, and Convocation.

    The College treats this position as equivalent to one section of 3-credit hour teaching, so it does not anticipate that running the sacred music program will require more than 15 hours a week of work, including the weekly choir rehearsal. When able within this time, the Director of Sacred Music is asked to provide additional support, to the Byzantine and Roman Rite chaplains and to students wishing to lead congregational singing at daily Mass and at Byzantine services, but the primary focus will be leading the College choir for Sundays and other key days. Qualified candidates may wish to apply for the full-time faculty position, also posted on our website. A candidate who would like to fulfill both positions, would either receive a 3-credit reduction of his or her teaching load, or be paid on an overload basis for the position.
    Faculty at Wyoming Catholic College are committed to teaching and serving students as their first and foremost responsibility. At the beginning of each academic year, all Catholic faculty make a Profession of Faith and take the Oath of Fidelity, and non-Catholic faculty make a pledge to respect the teachings of the Catholic Church.
    Wyoming Catholic College welcomes applications for this position regardless of the
    applicant’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.

    A letter of intent, a curriculum vitae, and three names of academic reference (letters will be requested at a later date) should be sent to the acting Academic Dean, Kyle Washut, Wyoming Catholic College, 306 Main St., Lander, WY 82520, or by email to Applications by Nov. 1 preferred.
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