Trinity Sunday 2022
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Trinity Sunday
    Solemn High Mass

    Propers - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Ordinary - Communion Service in E (Collegium Regale), Darke

    Prelude - Meditation on TE DEUM

    In Procession - The Athanasian Creed (From St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter)
    Sprinkling Rite - Asperges Me, trad.
    Offertory Anthem - Above All Praise and Majesty, Mendelssohn
    Communion Hymn - O Pater Sancta / Holiest Father, Pitifully Tender (ROUEN)
    Communion Motet - I will not leave you comfortless, Titcomb

    Solemn Te Deum - "We Praise Thee, O God," Solemn Ambrosian Tone, (From St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter)
    Closing Hymn - To Thee, O Gracious Father (THAXTED)

    Postlude: Sortie on SANCTUS XVIII
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Prelude (Organ): Prelude in G Major, BWV 902 (JSB)
    Prelude (Sung): Introitus: Benedicta sit (Graduale Romanum)

    Entrance Chant: Blessed be the Holy Trinity (By Flowing Waters)

    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII

    Psalm: R/. Praise God in the Highest (By Flowing Waters)
    Alleluia: R/. from Anglican Use Gradual; V/. from Lectionary

    Offertory: Blessed be God the Father (Proper of the Mass, Weber)
    Hymn: Pani w ofierze

    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Agnus: Mass IV

    Communion: Since you are children of God (Proper of the Mass, Weber)
    Hymn: Pod Twą obronę
    Anthem: We praise Thee, O God (Modes VIII & VII, from The Hymnal 1982, can't remember the name of the adapter)

    Hymn of Praise (after Communion): God Father, Praise and Glory

    Final "Antiphon" (Recessional): Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
    Postlude: Fughetta in G Major, BWV 902 (JSB)
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Prelude: Canzona (Frescobaldi)
    Hymn at the Procession: Holy, Holy, Holy
    Mass: Heritage Mass
    Psalm: Sam Schmitt
    Alleluia: Mode vii
    Offertory: If Ye Love Me
    Communion: Weber
    Communion: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
    Recessional: O God Almighty Father
    Postlude: Improvisation
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Trinity was not a universal Solemnity in the early Church but was celebrated spottily here and there into the Mediaeval era. It was St.Thomas Becket who, when he became Britain's primate, made it mandatory throughout England. Sometime after Becket's time a pope made it universal in the Roman Church.
  • I made generous use of St Patrick's Breastplate.
    Thanked by 2barreltone CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    We had a Pilgrimage from Canterbury to Ramsgate on Saturday (eve of Trinity) We were able to venerate the relic of St. Thomas at Canterbury and the Relic of St Augustine at Ramsgate.

    Trinity Sunday (First Holy Communion day)
    The adult choir and children's choir sang today
    Asperges mode 7 (adult choir)
    INT.: Benedicta sit. Graduale Romanum 1924 (adult choir)
    KYR.: Mass XI (Children's choir)
    GLO.: Mass XI (Children's choir)
    GRAD.: Benedictus es. Graduale Romanum 1924 (adult choir)
    ALL.: Benedictus es. Graduale Romanum 1924 (adult choir)
    CRD.: I (Children's choir)
    OFF.: Benedicta sit. Graduale Romanum 1924 (adult choir)
    OFF. motet: O Sacrum convivium, Pergolesi (adult choir)
    SAN: Mass XI (Children's choir)
    BEN: Mass XI (Children's choir)
    AGN: Mass XI (Children's choir)
    While the children received their first Holy Communion the choir sang
    O Salutaris Hostia, de La Rue (adult choir)

    COM. motet: Profitentes Unitatem (former sequence) (adult choir)
    COM: Benedicimus Deum (Isaac setting) (adult choir)
    Domine Salvum fac Plainsong for schools setting (adult choir)
    Marian anthem Salve Regina (Simple tone) (Children's choir)

    Thanks to CPDL for the music...
  • WGS
    Posts: 301

    The Most Holy Trinity - Sunday, June 12, 2022
    Saint Benedict Catholic Church
    Richmond, VA

    Psalm XIX - (Marcello) (organ and brass)
    O Lux Beata Trinitas - (Sweelinck)
    Saint Anthony's Chorale - (Haydn) (organ and brass)

    Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, Heber, NICAEA, Dykes
    Antiphon: Adam Bartlett

    Kyrie - Mass VIII
    Gloria - Mass VIII

    Responsorial Psalm: Noel Chabanel psalm collection by Jeff Ostrowski
    Acclamation before the Gospel: traditional chant Mode VI

    Creed - Credo III

    Antiphon: - Adam Bartlett
    Hymn: O God, Almighty Father, Anon, GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN, Healy Willan

    Preface Dialogue: vernacular with proper Preface for The Most Holy Trinity
    Sanctus - Mass VIII

    Eucharistic Prayer I
    Memorial Acclamation - Mortem tuam....
    The Lord's Prayer - Pater noster....
    Embolism: vernacular
    Rite of Peace: vernacular
    Agnus Dei - Mass VIII

    Antiphon - Adam Bartlett
    Motet-Consider - Two part mixed with organ, Christina Rosetti, Roland Martin
    Hymn-Father, Lord of all Creation - Steward Cross, GENEVA, George Day
    Hymn-Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether -Percy Dearmer, UNION SEMINARY, Howard Friedell

    Blessing - vernacular
    Dismissal - Ite, missa est....
    Marian Antiphon: Salve, Regina

    Postlude: Rigadon - (Campra) (organ and brass)

    Joel S. Kumro - Organist and Choir Director
    Pasi, Opus 5
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St David of Wales, Richmond California

    Holy3 NICAEA
    Schubert Deutsche Messe
    Mozart Benedictus sit K47
    Benedicite Deum caeli (American Gradual)
    O God Almighty Father GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    St. Mary, Tampa

    Prelude: Trio No. 1 in G Minor (Rheinberger)
    Introit: Simple English Propers
    Processional Hymn: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Andrews
    Psalm 8: Carroll/Gelineau
    Alleluia: Celtic
    Offertory: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Smith) from Oxford Book of Flexible Anthems
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen: Community Mass
    Agnus Dei: Isele
    Communion: Simple English Propers + Gift of Finest Wheat
    Recessional: O God, Almighty Father