Seeking Magnificat antiphons
  • I am working on starting Sung Vespers in my parish this summer. Initially, it will be the five Fridays in July to test the waters and see the people's response. We will be singing all in English using Fr. Sam Weber's tones, except for the Magnificat - the antiphon will be chanted in Latin by a cantor and then the canticle will be sung to a polyphonic setting by the schola.

    Which brings me to my request:

    I don't have access to Les heures grégoriennes here. If anyone has a copy on hand and a few minutes to spare, of your charity, could you please scan and send me the following antiphons?
    ​* Magnificat antiphon for Vespers of Friday, Week 2 - Feria VI, Hebdomada II (Recordáre, Dómine, misericórdiae...)
    ​* Magnificat antiphon for II Vespers from the Common of Pastors (Iste est fidélis...)
    * ​Magnificat antiphon for Vespers of the feast of St. Martha, 29 July (Diligébat Iesus Martham..)

    May God reward you,

    Dcn. Matthew
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,005
    The antiphons you mention are taken from Liturgia Horarum, which texts are intended to be recited. When sung, you should instead refer to the 2015 Ordo cantus officii to find the appropriate Gregorian chants.

    According to the OCO the Magnificat antiphon for Vespers of Friday, Week 2 is Sicut locutus.
    Magnificat antiphon for II Vespers from the Common of Pastors is Euge, serve bone.
    Magnificat antiphon for Vespers of the feast of St. Martha (and Maria and Lazarus), 29 July is Maria et Martha.
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins
  • That is tremendously helpful. Thank you!