Psalm verse differences between CCW Communio book and GABC Transcription Tool
  • I have been using the CCW Communio pdfs and book for many years, but in the last two years have been using the Transcription Tool almost exclusively to prepare propers for my scholae. Can anyone comment on the differences between the choices of verses and the pointing thereof? Thank you!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    CMAA's Communio PDFs have psalm verses from the Nova Vulgata; I haven't looked at CCW's lately, so I can't comment on theirs. The Transcription Tool, by default, uses the old Vulgate.
  • @chonak Thank you. I mistyped--I meant to refer to CMAA's Communio pdfs, not CCW's.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    We do have a version of communion verses available with Vulgate texts in the book Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum, which you can buy at the CMAA Shop or download from the main CMAA site.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw