Vocal Music Teacher (Part-Time)
  • doneill
    Posts: 208
    Christ the King Catholic School, a classical school in Kansas City, Kansas, is seeking an excellent children’s voice trainer to join our music department on a part-time basis, primarily teaching students in Grades K-4.

    The teacher works together with and assists the Music Director in implementing our Catholic classical music program and cultivate in students a love for music. The music program at Christ the King is focused on developing singing technique and music literacy through the study of the grammar of music. Christ the King also offers an after-school academy in which students may take lessons in piano, organ, voice, and other instruments. If desired, the candidate may elect to teach in this program for supplemental income.

    Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in music and knowledge of vocal pedagogy using either the Ward or Kodály Methods. The ideal candidate will demonstrate a commitment to the overall approach of our music program with its emphasis on sacred music.

    The desired candidate will be rooted in the Catholic intellectual tradition and fidelity to Church teaching. The candidate should understand how a comprehensive Catholic worldview permeates the classroom environment. In addition to accepting and promoting Church teaching on faith and morals, the ideal candidate is committed to upholding the Tradition of the Church, holding fast to the Deposit of Faith, and living as a witness to Christ.

    Email Principal Cathy Fithian at seecathyctk@mac.com with a letter of interest and résumé. For more information on the music department at Christ the King, please contact Dr. Douglas O’Neill, Director of Music at doneill@ctkkck.org.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
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