Arrangement for TTB(B)
  • VocesCapituli
    Posts: 126
    Dear friends, I am looking for a composer who would be able to make an TTB(B) arrangement of a very popular song (in Flanders) for Mary 'liefde gaf U duizend namen'. I would be happy to provide a translation.
    Dirk Maes
    Voces Capituli,
    Vocht(De) - Liefde gaf U duizend namen.jpg
    719 x 599 - 102K
  • Dirk,

    What sort of arrangement are you hoping to have:

    4-part hymn-style writing
    expanded TTBB motet
    something else

    I'm happy giving it a go, and would find a translation helpful, since I speak not the original language.
    Thanked by 1VocesCapituli
  • VocesCapituli
    Posts: 126
    Dear Chris,
    thanks that you would like to give it a go! About the sort of arrangement ... something that stays as close to the original as possible. As I said, it is a song which is often sung in Flanders (as in our church). People really know the melody, so they should be able to recognise it in the arrangement.
    this is in the cathedral in Antwerp:
    As you can hear, it is quite a 'triomphant' and jubilant song.
    I attach the translation.
    I would be happy to provide a (small) fee as to honour your work and time. I would be happy to tell you more about the ensemble you are writing it for, nl. 'Voces Capituli', in Belgium.
    Thanks again,
    Dirk Maes
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Dirk,

    Thank you for the invitation. Now that the immediate crises (of several months) are behind us, I'll have a go at this.