Ash Wednesday 2022
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
    Ash Wednesday
    Solemn High Mass

    Prelude - "Attende Domine," from 12 Chorale Preludes on Gregorian Chant Themes, Jeanne Demessieux

    Propers - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Ordinary - Mass for Our Lady of Walsingham, McDonough
    Processional Hymn - Lord Jesus, Think on Me (SOUTHWELL)
    The Imposition of Ashes - Miserere Mei, Z 109, Henry Purcell with Ash Wednesday Antiphons and Psalm 22
    Offertory Anthem - Thou Knowest, Lord The Secrets of Our Hearts, Z 58b, Henry Purcell
    Communion Hymn - Come Down, O Love Divine (DOWN AMPNEY)
    Communion Motet - The Lent Prose, McDonough
    Closing Hymn - Jesus, Lover of My Soul (ABERYSTWYTH)

    Postlude - O Lamm Gottes Unschuldig TWV 31:17, Georg Philipp Telemann
  • Do the Ordinariate rubrics permit solo instrumental music during Lent?
    Thanked by 1Caleferink
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    I wondered that (with envy) as well.

    We used the Entrance Antiphon Hymn (Antiphon renewal) paired to Passion Chorale at the early mass and then Fr. Weber’s introit (option i) at the choir mass in the evening.
    Psalm 51 of my own making:
    As well as my gospel acclamation based on the lent II offertory chant:
    Father Weber’s antiphons for the distribution of ashes, along with Lotti’s Miserere Mei
    Offertory: Lord, Who throughout these forty days
    Missa xviii
    Parce Domine for communion
    Ave Regina Cælorum at the end of mass.
    Thanked by 2sdtalley3 CHGiffen
  • There is no prohibition of voluntaries during Lent in the Ordinariate. There is, starting with Bach, a wealth of Lenten music from which to choose and which lends itself to the prayer and meditation appropriate for the season.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I will say nothing of the Mass I attended for Ash Wednesday, except that it was musically mediocre; I insist, not awful, mediocre. And the more I think about it, the more it seems mediocrity, much more than outright bad, is the real problem in Sacred Music today.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    We used Entrance, Distribution of Ashes, Offertory & Communion antiphons from Fr. Webber's "The Proper of the Mass" in english.

    The responsorial psalm was that of the Ignatius Pew Missal chanted a-cappella (psalm tone mode 2). The "Gospel Acclamation" was "Laus Tibi Christe, Rex Aeternae Gloriae" in english, lifted from St. Peter's Basilica in Rome with verse chanted in mode 7 a-cappella.

    At Communion we sang "Lord Jesus, Think on Me" followed by "Attende Domine" chanted in english.

    At the end of Mass we sang "O Kind Creator, Bow Thine Ear"

    No prelude or postlude or any solo instrumental music.
  • After having zero sung Masses for a long time due to diocesan ban on singing ordinaries and congregational singing, we had our first sung Mass in the EF in a very long time, and our second sung Ash Wednesday Mass in the last 10+ years.

    We got the notice on Sunday that singing would be permitted again. There were three of us who hadn’t sung together in a long time and there wasn’t much time to prepare. We kept it really simple with just basic chant propers, mostly psalm tones, but some full propers, but we sang it well. It’s better to keep it simple and sing it well than sing something complex and have it sound like a train derailing.
  • ...mediocre...
    You are so right, Jehan!
    Debussy said (as a line in a short play that he had written) 'We shall all die, and we shall die suffocated under the all-pervasive blanket of mediocrity'.
    Thanked by 1Jehan_Boutte
  • Steve QSteve Q
    Posts: 121
    I was asked to cantor at a parish for Ash Wednesday, and I was able to convince the organist NOT to play "Ashes". Thank heaven for small mercies.
  • I was able to convince the organist NOT to play "Ashes".

    I hear that song and ask myself when all Catholics because phoenixes.
  • I was able to convince the organist NOT to play "Ashes". Thank heaven for small mercies.

    It was the terribleness of that song that me decide to drive 4 hours round trip to attend the Latin Mass. It was Ash Wednesday, and they started singing that cliche song. I immediately decided to start attending the Latin Mass.
    Thanked by 2RedPop4 Steve Q
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    I had to cantor at a Mass with ‘Ashes.’ The people sang that one pretty well, but I’m just not a fan.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    I confess, I have no idea what song you’re talking about. Is it this?
    If it is, I’m blessed to report that I’ve never heard of it nor have I heard it at mass (thank God).
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • That's the one Serviam.
  • Our school children have learned Attende Domine (latin refrain, english verses). It sounds lovely with kids voices!

    For distribution of ashes, I use Leo Nestor's "Come Back to the Lord." Publushed by GIA. It's a nice piece. Almost as enjoyable as his Palm Sunday Communion Antiphon. Also published by GIA.

    We ysed antiphons from Source and Summit, as well as some familiar hymns.
    Thanked by 2chonak Caleferink
  • RedPop4
    Posts: 50
    Here at St. Rita of Cascia in New Orleans, since Advent, we are subscribers to the Ignatius Pew Missal. our Ash Wednesday looked, thusly:
    Introit from Propers of the Church Year Fr. Samuel Weber, O.S.B., option 2
    Psalm 51 by Michael Bedford from Liturgy Psalms and Gospel Acclamations from WLPJSPaluch/GIA...our previous worship aid.
    Gospel Acclamation by Royce Nickel from the Charles Garnier Gospel Acclamations at CCWatershed
    Imposition of Ashes: "Blot out my Transgressions" Adam Bartlett
    Parce Domine from Psalm 151 by Brian Michael Page
    Offertory: "I Will extol you" and Psalm 30 also by Brian Michael Page
    Mass XVIII in Latin
    Communion: from the Ignatius Pew Missal by Fr. Weber
    Post Communion Today is the Accepted Time set to Jesu Dulcis, Memoria from Paluch.

    That was it, we are not singing at the retiring this Lent.