God is Love, Music by Michael Joncas
  • ReneA
    Posts: 20
    Post a comment if you enjoy.
    Peace and joy to all!


    Copyright Owner: OCP
    Music Publisher: OCP
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I have long held that Joncas should be ridden out of town on a rail. 'Beagle's Wings' and now this? This song would be ok to sing around a campfire but not at mass. You would still need the requisite old hippie to plunk the guitar.
  • Fr. Joncas has a very nice accompaniment for this piece; Wind Quintet, String ensemble, harp, organ, SATB. Much of his newer music I find tasteful and certainly much better than the 1980's music. I use this piece only if it can be done with organ and some accompaniment. With the full accompaniment, this piece is very prayerful and beautiful. With the full accompaniment in mind, it certainly would fit the aesthetic of my parish's worship and worship space. We ought to strive to bring what the composer had in mind to life before we pass judgement on the quality of the piece. If you start with the original score you can tastefully cut back on the instruments or vocal forces and make a prudent decision of how to maintain the aesthetic qualities the compliament the texts. The words are a translation/paraphrase of Ubi Caritas.

    In my opinion, this piece would be a good stepping stone to get folks singing traditional music again. This piece, sung well, is better than a latin chant, sung poorly...
  • tandrews
    Posts: 173
    I recall taking a ritual studies class with Joncas back in grad school. If I recall correctly, one of his first words to the group was "I'm Jan Michael Joncas, don't call me Jan. I wrote On Eagles Wings, but if you can give me a moment to explain. It was the '70s and I was young..."

    Similar as above, I find his later music to be slightly more palatable than his original works.
  • I wrote On Eagles Wings, but if you can give me a moment to explain. It was the '70s and I was young...

    I heard from a priest friend who met him that he indeed regrets how OEW has taken on a life of its own.
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    That was nicely played Rene- regardless of various opinions about the appropriateness for Mass.
    Thanked by 2mattebery ReneA
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Similar as above, I find his later music to be slightly more palatable than his original works.

    Perhaps so. I do not like paraphrased scripture. If you are going to use it, use the approved translation. That is one of the issues I have with OEW. I haven't heard much of his later work, but I did attend a mass where a version of the Magnificat by Joncas was used. It would have made a good silent movie accompaniment for one of the Valentino "sheik" movies. I thought the camel caravan was going to arrive at any moment.
  • I do not like paraphrased scripture.

    Which is fine, if you can understand the Greek and Aramaic it was written in. After that, every translation is a paraphrase, to some extent.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    We do have an authorized and approved version of scripture to use.