Scores needed: George Malcolm, Miserere
  • smt
    Posts: 53
    Dear all

    I am fascinated by the choral compositions of George Malcolm, choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral. Unfortunately it seems that the scores are seldom available. I haven't found much more than some Christmas music or the "Missa ad praesepe". A new recording includes a setting of the Miserere-Psalm and the Nunc dimittis. I would be particularly interested in the Miserere, it would be perfect for Lent I. Doesn't seem to be too difficult either.

    Does anybody have a score of this Miserere? Does anybody know whether and where it is available? Or does anybody have the time and ability to write down the score from the recording? I could share it, if you message me.

    Thanks in advance.
  • smt
    Posts: 53
    Addendum: For everyone interested in Malcolm in general. If you are searching for his name at this british shop you can find the following motets:

    * Ingrediente Domino
    * Terribilis est locus iste
    * Veritas mea

    But still no Miserere...
  • I seem to remember that there was a website dedicated to George Malcolm with a screenshot of his Miserere. Let me see if I can find it . . .

    I also find his music pretty cool. My choir sang his setting of the Responsories for Christmas Matins as a Gaudete (Laetare? Can never remember) Sunday program. They're very accessible and sound great.
  • Tell me if this is the one you're looking for:
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen canadash
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    I am sure that the choir at Westminster Cathedral has access to his music. Sadly my friend Colin RIP cannot help, but you could e-mail the master of music
    If not the Senior M.C. is a friend and may be able to help.
  • smt
    Posts: 53
    Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. I had found the webpage dedicated to GM, but didn't find the score – sorry, that page is a mess. THANKS A LOT!

    @tomjaw: I would have never dared to e-mail the master of music from WCC. Do you have any experiences writing them?
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • I've emailed them in the past. They have a music department, so you will get a response from the secretary.
    They will ask you details of performance, etc. and calculate a license for printed copies of their works. They are very helpful and friendly.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    I have not needed to e-mail them but have had close contacts with former members and masters of music. They are all friendly and always seem happy to help. My diocese is next door and I have always been made to feel welcome singing in my cathedral, along side the professional musicians.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • smt
    Posts: 53
    Dear all,
    there is another piece from Malcolm I'm looking for. This time I'm quite certain that it's not on the website dedicated to him. It's "Scapulis suis", which is also included on the CD mentioned above. I found out that James D Wetzel has done it in St Vincent Ferrer and St Catherine of Siena, Manhattan. You can find it on his soundcloud channel. So I e-mailed James Wetzel as well as the music administrator of Westminster William Waine (see here: but neither one replied. (No offense, they might be incredibly busy, esp. Mr Wetzel concerning his mind-blowing music program.) Does anybody have the score or an idea how to get it?
    Thank you in advance, as always!
  • smt
    Posts: 53
    A short update for the record: Mr Wetzel replied, but he is not allowed to share it. Westminster Cathedral never replied to me, it seems they would like to reserve the piece for the Cathedral.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen