New OCP Mass Setting... What the ???
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Nice, Chuck! Maybe instead "…all things | vis- i- | ble · and in- | visible."
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • oldhymnsoldhymns
    Posts: 233
    In my collection of English Mass settings, 1965 and beyond, (mostly published by McLaughlin & Reilly and J. Fischer Bros.) I noticed that in the time period up until 1970 there was always a sung Credo. After the changes in the Mass were promulgated in 1970, though, the Mass settings did not include the Credo.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW Don9of11
  • Felicia
    Posts: 120
    Just recently, out parish has started singing the ICEL Credo I on at the principal Mass on feast days (the "principal Mass" being 8:30 am on Sunday, or the evening Mass on feasts occurring on weekdays.) So, they did it on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Epiphany, and is planned for our patronal feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is recited at non-principal Masses.
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 276
    In Canada, nearly** no one recites the Nicene creed any more: it also makes the Mass longer, so I’ve been told. (I've also been told the Nicene is “divisive”, but that can't really be true, can it?)

    In a way being divisive is the entire point of the Creed. It cannot be said by a gnostic or an Arian. But is should not be divisive for otherwise orthodox Christians.
  • Elmar
    Posts: 506
    But is should not be divisive for otherwise orthodox Christians.
    Hey, has the Filioque issue finally been solved?
    Might also help solve the "multiple issues" of the Filioque article on wikipedia
    Thanked by 1GerardH
  • Fascinating about the Creed. I'm in Spain at the moment, and the EF chapel i'm attending sings credo III every Sunday or recites it in latin if the cantor is absent. In Brazil my experience is it has never been sung, only recited, in the NO. In the EF in rural traditionalist parishes the people sometimes sing a vernacular version with an easy if cheesy sing-song melody; at cathedrals or larger parishes it's sung in Latin, Credo III usually. I've never heard it only recited in the EF context. Fancy parishes with good scholas may use other Credos as relevant. But often the priest doen't know the other ones well, so as with the gloria he sings a common start, and the schola diverges to the version they want after.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    If the reformed Mass is celebrated properly, a-la in accord with liturgical tradition

    Where is the requirement that it be done this way?
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    Some traditions are bad. The Tradition of the celebrant not engaging at all with the congregation was bad, as the Council of Trent taught. And even if you quote me reams of instructions from SCR, I point to Trent Session XXII ch. VIII, as I have done before. A homily on some text of the Mass should be a standard requirement, but was not.
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • I've also been told the Nicene is “divisive”, but that can't really be true, can it?)

    Of course it's divisive. It divides Christians from non-Christians.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    If you really want divisive, use the Athanasian Creed.
  • Chepponis's Jubilation Mass has a simple psalm-tone Creed that I've heard used at a NO parish. I've also heard the Marier recto tono used during the RCIA Presentation of the Creed, which worked nicely.

    The Ordinariate parish in San Antonio seems to use the Shaw Anglican Folk Mass setting exclusively and the people know it well.