Magnificat plainsong
  • I am looking for a source of Magnificat recitation Gregorian tones that might be used in a forthcoming edition of Titelouze, Le Magnificat, which will make them late 1620s, which will predate the neo-Gallican school (I suspect). Preferably, they will be from an antiphonary from this period.

    Any help here would be gratefully received.
  • I don't have this but would like to.
    Can you say more about the forthcoming of Titelouze. I am doing his Veni Creator with alternatim chant at a recital sometime this spring or Eastertide. His music is among my favourites. Too bad France took a different tack after him. They might have produced a French Catholic Bach. It's good to see people using 'chant of the time' when possible, rather than just going to the LU.
    Thanked by 1Mathrafal
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Perhaps the Jean de Bournonville 8 Magnificats (1612/1625 reprint) in Octo cantica Virginis matris quae vulgo magnificat dicuntur, cum hymnis ... (Gallica read online link) will lead in the right direction. The Tenor book pages for the Magnificats are attached - and will supply the plainsong verses for the alternatim Titelouze Le Magnificat (I think the Contra, Superius, and Bassus parts just add harmony to the Tenor). Indeed, I'm aware this has been done (with the full polyphony?) at least once. See this page for more information.

    The complete Octo cantica... can be downloaded from Gallica (for free).
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    For completeness, here is the Titelouze Le Magnificat

    Titelouze-Le Magnificat.pdf
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    This interesting article by Leonora McCroskey on "French Alternatim Organ Practice" actually has the Bournonville versets (full SATB) for the Secondi toni Magniicat.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • M. Jackson Osborn,

    The edition will be published in January by Lyrebird Music ( and will include both hymns and canticles.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn