Maybe I didn't do the search thoroughly, but I don't seem to find English Propers In Ordinary time after Pentecost. (the ones that match with those in our current missal) I don't think Fr. Columba has them yet. And I don't see them in R. Rice either. Does anyone know where to find them? Thanks.
Thanks, Mr. Osborn for the post. But Brude Ford's American Gradual covers Advent through Pentecost, and The Anglican Use Gradual doesn't seem to match the Antiphone in the missal. For example the 12th Sunday communion Antiphone in the missal is from Ps 145:15, but AU Gradual has PS 27:7. I must be missing something, or there's none for the English Propers of the Ordinary time after Pentecost?
Here's a routine reminder: Be patient about legitimate differences in personal taste.
The AU Gradual follows the Graduale Romanum as it has been re-arranged somewhat for the three-year lectionary. Both are different from the Missal, the propers of which, as we have noted here before, were not envisioned for sung masses - an arrangement most bizarre.
In case anyone here isn't already familiar with it, the Winter 2006 issue of Sacred Music has an excellent article about the Graduale versus Missale confusion.
The 1st ed. of The American Gradual, published by St. James Music Press in 2001 and still available from the publisher, includes the whole proper of time and certain feasts from the sanctoral.
The 2nd ed. is a work in progress. As I complete the work, I post it on the CMAA Web site. I have completed the revision through the day of Pentecost. I'll be adding propers for the other Sundays in stages--normally in advance of the Sundays' occurrence. I have fallen behind because of my mother's recent illness and death. I'll catch up soon.
I've been lazy, Bruce, or busy depending upon one's perspective of spring duties; so thanks for the info about the hardcover. We anticipate an endowment from a chorister for whom we provided wedding music, and purchasing AG goes to the head of my priority purchase line. BTW, is Richard's SCG in hardcover? Anybody....?
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