Coordination of flights, rides etc. at SMC
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Hello, 2:15 folks. Are we set to meet at the airport? Is the children's museum ok place? I don't really know the airport, but it seems to be in the center, and I assume that the place is very noticable. An oriental woman with short hair wearing chant shirt (Grey shirt). -me
    If you want to excahnge cell numbers, email me.

    Here's the map for the airport.

    Look for the symbol of small 'child face' under 'F1' at the bottom of big orange 'Y' on the map.

    I'm ready to go.
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Children's Museum is good for me. I'll try to stake out a spot, since I seem to be arriving earlier than that -- I think Marymezzo may be on the same flight, or nearly. I'm also on United (Express).

    I can hardly believe i'm really going this time . . .
  • marymezzomarymezzo
    Posts: 236
    Hello, all--set to meet at the airport, yes.

    Children's museum sounds fine, and thanks for the link to the map. I'll be waving a Parish Book of Chant or a Gaudeamus sign or something else obvious.

    I'll be arriving at 12:45, American Airlines/American Eagle flight 4150, direct from Knoxville.

    Miacoyne, I will e-mail you my cell number.

    I was looking through the music packet tonight. I can't wait.
  • Guadalupe
    Posts: 50
    Unless a miracle happens tomorrow, I won't be able to attend after all. I had a surprise hospitalization this week and was released just yesterday. I'm trying to not feel sorry for myself.
  • marymezzomarymezzo
    Posts: 236
    Guadalupe--I'm so sorry!
  • G
    Posts: 1,397
    Oh what rotten luck, Guadalupe!
    I wish you a quick recovery.

    I look forward to meeting you next time?

    And I look forward to meeting many of the rest of you this week.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    I'm arriving at O'Hare at 2:15 and am VERY nervous about not knowing anyone. I'd love to join up with others at the airport.

    Eveyone is so friendly! It's amazing!
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Oh, no. Guadalupe. I'm sorry. I hope you are doing ok.

  • Guadalupe
    Posts: 50
    Thanks marymezzo, G, and miacoyne! I think I may have my miracle though; I was feeling so lousy because of medication side-effects, which are wearing off now. So I'm planning to make the trip. God willing, I'll be at O'Hare at the prescribed time wearing my white chant t-shirt.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Sounds great. No matter what happens, God will bless you so much.
  • Hi Mary Ann and Jenny.
    Are we still on for Midway tomorrow?
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147

    We are on! I should see you at BWI. I have Mary Ann's cell number for contact at Midway.
  • marymezzomarymezzo
    Posts: 236
    Guadalupe--yesssssss! That is excellent news. I had to cancel last year, and I am very happy that both of us will be able to attend this year.