Help with converting Sibelius files to MusicXML
  • LarsLars
    Posts: 128
    can someone with Sibelius convert these files for me, please, so I can import them to MuseScore.
    I got them from:

    I think its legally OK to modify them. attached are the 8 Sibelius files.
  • Lars, public domain works can indeed be used/repurposed/newly engraved/incorporated into new works, etc. however you shared a link to a bunch of PDF files. There is no downloadable sibelius file for exporting as XML. You'll have to input things by hand or search other databases for individual works such as CPDL, which occasionally has XML files attached.
  • There are several entries for these on IMSLP, one of which is a set of Lilypond files. There have been programs for exporting Lilypond files to xml, but it seems none of them worked properly. Of course you can manipulate, and engrave, the files in Lilypond.
    It's the seventh entry on the page cited [but as the file name has brackets in it you can't access it there] try here.
    [ADDED]The sib files are there near the bottom of the 'arrangements and transcriptions' page.
  • LarsLars
    Posts: 128
    I just noticed the sibelius files were somehow removed from my original post, hence the confusion
  • LarsLars
    Posts: 128
    they are back again.

    681 x 331 - 48K
  • LarsLars
    Posts: 128
    I just want to arrange these ricercars for 3 staves