Source & Summit!
  • Gaudium
    Posts: 54
    Hi all, I'm putting out a plug for I think that this is going to be (already is) an absolutely incredible resource. I encourage you to sign up for the free trial and learn the features, the music, etc. I use it for the introit antiphon and the communion each week in English. You can choose from various sources, change tones, change keys, add harmonization, include hymns that easily take verses out, etc. I'm very excited to see the progress being made and the easy access to wonderful resources it offers!!
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I also use this resource.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    I’d be curious to hear Jeffrey Tucker’s thoughts on the Source and Summit business model, especially since CMAA launched the Bartlett brand with the Simple English Propers. It’s gone full circle from Creative Commons to a proprietary missalette.
    Also, do I sense a cultivation of inside relationships with ICEL/USCCB? Source and Summit missallette necessary because new Lectionary coming in 2025… who did promotional recordings of the new translation of breviary hymns and saw all the texts before they are released to the competition, er, the public?
    Right place, right time? Business savvy?

    Anyway, the online editor is a pretty cool gizmo.