Ascension TLM: Latin Hymn suggestions?
  • jazz_man
    Posts: 15

    Could anyone recommend any Latin hymns to be sung during the offertory and communion at a traditional Latin Mass on Ascension Thursday?

    Anything especially suitable for one cantor would be great, as I'll most likely be singing these alone due to a shortage of singers that day.

    Thank you.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Here is one option:

    The Office hymn from Lauds and Vespers for the Ascension: Salutis humanae Sator

  • I can't offer anything additional, but I want to thank you for asking the question and the others for posting the answers they have.

    At a more general level, what do those of us in TLM-land think about the general idea of singing a hymn from the Office at Mass? It seems (based on what you've posted) that this is a good idea.
    Thanked by 2sdtalley3 jazz_man
  • sdtalley3sdtalley3
    Posts: 263

    I’m generally one for using whatever office hymn I fancy.
    Thanked by 2jazz_man tomjaw
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    @CGZ - I do this often. If the hymns are different, I'll use the Lauds hymn at the offertory and the Vespers hymn at the communion.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    @Chris Garton-Zavesky

    For the TLM I suppose the options would be,
    1. Offertory verses / Communion verses
    2. Liturgically appropriate chants i.e. Office Hymns, former sequences, Antiphons or Responsories, related to the Feast or season.
    3. General chants such as the Ave Verum, Adoro Te etc. Marian Chants are another option.

    Sometimes we commemorate a former feast or a feast or lower rank by singing Hymns associated with that feast or Saint rather than the Mass of the Day.

    Of course you can use the Hymns from Matins, or even Dominican Hymns etc. There is a vast selection to choose from.