Novus Ordo in Latin
  • Our local vocations director celebrates a Novus Ordo Latin Mass on First Fridays and would like to incorporate the propers and a sung Ordinary. I need some help planning the Ordinary and an order of worship for the congregation. From reading through copyright discussions on this forum, it's seems I may freely use images of the Gregorian chants from resources such as the GR or Jubilate Deo or Gregorian Missal? Has somebody already possibly created an uncluttered worship aid showing just a basic single set of Ordinary chants for weekday use (that is, one without the Credo, Gloria, multiple options, etc.)?
  • WGS
    Posts: 301

    I don't know if it's still available, but Our Sunday Visitor published a stripped down version of Jubilate Deo. It contained the Ordinary of the Mass in traditional square note notation plus two Benediction hymns. Also, GIA published a modern notation version of Jubilate Deo which in addition to the Ordinary of the Mass contains what appears to be all the hymns. If you don't want to compile your own using downloads from the CMAA website, you might try checking on-line for "Jubilate Deo".

    Also, perhaps, some viewer of this forum has something like a plasticized card with this Mass for use in the pews.

    And I have no idea of the source, but a few years ago, I received a bunch of cards with "Missa Primativa".
    All the chants are in square notes with most of the prayers given with an English translation. - no Gloria, no Creed, just a simple O.F. chant Mass plus congregational responses in Latin including translations.

    It's printed on two sides of heavy stock 8 1/2" X 11" paper folded for use as pages 1-4. I can send you a copy by USPS, or I can scan the two sides and send them to you as an e-mail attachment.
  • Thank you so very much for your help & email, William! What a great resource!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    I've been drafting a booklet this week for use in some occasional Latin Masses in Boston; here's the document as it stands so far.

    The PDF file is 16 pages long, in a half-size letter paper format (page size 5.5" x 8.5"). Adobe Reader can print it on 4 sheets of paper to form a booklet.

    To do that in Adobe Reader, select "File -> Print"; then use the "Page Scaling" print option to select "Booklet layout".

    The document was produced using the technical typesetting program LaTeX along with the Gregorio program. All very geek-intensive. :-)
  • Wow, chonak, this is awesome! Beautiful! I'm doing the same thing (only in the more limited Microsoft Publisher software and with different Ordinary selections - I'm using the ones the priest knows from an Adoremus CD). So I'm curious - what's your source for graphic images? I'm just copying chunks from the Gregorian Missal, but in a few places I'm having to scan his Missale Romanum.
  • noel jones, aagonoel jones, aago
    Posts: 6,611
    I'm going to chime in here and hope no one is offended. I think this project is a VERY worthy one.

    My suggestion is that we all have a goal to educate the people that this is not the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin.

    It IS the Novus Ordo Mass.

    While it is the norm that most US churches have chosen to substitute English for most, if not all, of the official Mass texts, there is no English Mass. Otherwise it would be called the New Order Mass.

    People are always surprised when they find this out. It does tend to alter their perception of where we are coming from.

    Then, when they go to the Vatican ATM, they won't be surprised with what they find there.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Hi, Joan: The graphics come from CMAA's downloadable clip-art collection; the link is on the main page at (Thanks to all who have scanned and contributed images for it, including me. :-) )
  • Chonak: Actually when I said "graphics" I didn't mean the clip-art but rather the image files of the chant notation itself. I'm wondering what process you used to clip them from the chant resources out there and paste them into your document. They look too clean to have been scanned!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    The chant notation graphics are original; I produced them with the Gregorio program, which is described at .

    If you'd like to re-use any of the pieces in that program, let me know (, and I'll try to produce images for you.

    If you'd like to get started doing some chant typesetting on your own, look for threads in the forum about the "Meinrad fonts"; those are chant neume fonts you can buy (inexpensively) and use in MS-Word to produce attractive output.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Chonak, just a note here to echo Joan's kudos for a beautiful document! It looks great… bravo.
  • Chonak, wow again - that is very impressive! I can't believe how much I'm learning by being on this forum!

    Thank you so much for offering to let me use pieces from yours, but I'm not sure there is enough similarity; a lot of it would have to be done from scratch. We're using the Ordinary on the Adoremus CD, and I'm also including the celebrant lead-ins to the congregational parts. (Monsignor doesn't read music and has learned the chants by listening to the Adoremus CD over and over again, so we're limited to what he's comfortable with.)

    I tried posting a draft here, but mine is 1.2 MB and apparently this forum has a 1 MB limit. I could always take the plunge and get that software myself... :)

    Cheers - Joan
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    If you do post a document, please convert it to PDF form first. Most of us can't read MS Publisher files.

    And if you don't have a personal web site to store public documents in, you can probably get a free one from or similar sites.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    For those interested. I've improved the layout and corrected some errors in the booklet.