The Reproaches Chants
  • I have lost my copy of the reproaches chant. I was wondering if anyone could find the right version for me. It is the traditional chant but simpler. The words began: My People, What have I done to you, Or how have I grieved you? Answer me.
  • I think that they came from the cantor scores on Illuminare Publications, but those are no longer accessible. Does anyone happen to have a copy as I do not have access to the Lumen Christi series at my church because of the pandemic they were removed.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 454
    Is it the one in this document? Downloaded in 2017 from Illuminare.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Yes, thank you Gerard. I am pretty positive that this is the version I lost. I can’t thank you enough. I have been searching everywhere online and in my house. I don’t know where it went but thank you.
  • Gerard, speaking of those downloads. Do you happen to have the one’s for Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil, and Palm Sunday? Those would be graciously appreciated because I never used them but am curious as to their contents.
  • GerardH
    Posts: 454
    @jporenchuk I'll send you a message