Unser Herrscher, Unser König - Translation Wanted
  • FKulash
    Posts: 83
    Does anyone have an English translation of Joachim Neander's hymn "Unser Herrscher, unser König" in the original meter? It seems to be well-known in German (hymnary.org has 45 instances), but Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology says "not in English common use ... Translated as, "Sovereign Ruler, King victorious," in the British Herald, Dec, 1865, p. 185, and Reid's Praise Book, 1872."
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,030
    1. Thou, our Ruler, Thou our Sov'reign,
    Thou our Highest Good we own:
    Blessed be that Name so glorious,
    that hath such great wonders shown;
    Praise be Thine from near and far,
    From the earth unto the stars.

    2. Few indeed who now are living
    From their inmost heart and true
    Love Thee, seek Thee, or pursue Thee.
    So Thy love makes something new --
    Fashions children's lips to raise
    Pole to pole Thy boundless praise.

    3. Oh, how painful to recount it --
    Breaks the hardest heart to hear!
    How one sees so many thousands
    Spurn Thy Light so bright and dear.
    Ah, how sound the wicked slumber,
    Is it not a dreadful wonder?

    4. Wherefore, O my Lord and Ruler,
    Would I love and honor Thee:
    For I know, O dearest Father,
    That Thou lov'st me tenderly:
    Free me from all earthly pleasure,
    Help me long for heaven's treasure.

    5. Lord, Thy Name is great and famous,
    Known throughout the earth Thou wrought,
    Every corner where the sunshine
    Ever light and beauty brought,
    Heaven calls and earth replies:
    Let God's praises fill the skies!*

    6. Lord, my Master, O how glorious
    Thy great Name is to my soul;
    So will I proclaim Thy wonders,
    To all men Thy works extol!
    Help me, Maker, until death,
    Praise Thee with my every breath.

    *or: "Praise Jehovah's name, they cry!"
    Thanked by 2FKulash CHGiffen
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,030
    Added vs. 6