Lauda Sion - Literal Translation?
  • Tom S.
    Posts: 6
    I was wondering if anyone might have a literal (not in rhyme) translation of the Lauda Sion sequence? Please let me know if you do. Thank you!
  • There is a quite 'literal' translation to be found on p. 140 of:

    Translations and Annotations of Choral Repertoire
    Volume I: Sacred Latin Texts
    Compiled and annotated by Ron Jeffers
    Published by earthsongs
    ISBN 0-9621532-1-4 (paperback)

    This is, in fact, a quite useful reference for anyone's library.
    There are several companion volumes for German texts and (?)French, (?)Italian
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Jeffrey Tucker (& Britt) provide what you ask for here, in what I've often claimed is the single most amazing offering the CMAA has yet added (and they've added TONS, as you know).

    I tried to attach a PDF excerpt, but the forum said: "Some problems were encountered --- The file you attempted to upload (tucker_BRITT.pdf) was of type "application/download", but the file extension "pdf" did not match the accepted extensions for this type of file: rar, RAR"

    1. " Praise, 0 Sion, thy Saviour, praise thy Leader and
    thy Shepherd in hymns and canticles. As much as thou
    canst, so much darest thou, for He is above all praise, nor
    art thou able to praise Him enough." Sion: the faithful,
    the Church, see Glossary. Major: Benedicentes Dominum,
    exaltate ilium quantum potestis: major enim est omni laude
    (cf. Ecclus. 43, 32-34).
    2. "To-day there is given us a special theme of praise,
    the Bread both living and life-giving, which, it is not to be
    doubted, was given to the assembly of the brethren, twelve
    in number, at the table of the holy Supper.'' Quern . . . .
    datum esse. For duodence see denus in the Glossary.
    3. "Let our praise be full and sounding; let the jubilations
    of the soul be joyous and becoming; for that solemn
    day is now being celebrated, on which is commemorated the
    first institution of this table." Mensce, table, the Holy
    4. "At this table of the new King, the new Pasch of
    the New Law puts an end to the ancient Pasch. The new
    supplants the old, truth puts to flight the shadow, day
    banishes night." Pascha: the Pasch, Passover (cf. Exod.
    12-13). Phase: This is another form of Pascha and has
    the same meaning (cf. Exod. 12, 21; 34, 25; Num. 9, 4).
    The English word Phase occurs only in the Douay Bible.
    The expressions "The new supplants the old," etc., refer
    to the institution of the New Sacrifice foretold by Malachias
    (1, 10-11), of which the sacrifices of the Old Law were but
    shadows, types, and figures.
    5. "What Christ did at that Supper, the same He commanded
    to be done in remembrance of Him. Taught by
    His sacred precepts, we consecrate bread and wine into the
    Victim of salvation."
    6. "This is the dogma given to Christians, tfyat bread
    is changed into Flesh and wine into Blood. What thou dost
    not understand, what thou dost not see, a lively faith confirms
    in a supernatural manner." Prater rerum ordinem:
    In an extraordinary manner, transcending the evidences of
    the senses and of the intellect.
    7. "Under different species (different) in externals
    (signis) only, and not in reality (rebus), wondrous substances
    lie hidden. Flesh is food, Blood is drink: nevertheless
    Christ remains entire under each species." The
    species of bread and wine differ in their external appearances,
    in taste, color, form, etc., but under each species
    there is one and the same divine substance, "Christus
    8. "By the recipient the whole (Christ) is received; He
    is neither cut, broken, nor divided. One receives Him; a
    thousand receive Him: as much as the thousand receive, so
    much does the one receive; though eaten He is not
    9. "The good receive Him, the bad receive Him, but
    with what unequal consequences of life or death. It is
    death to the unworthy, life to the worthy: behold then of
    a like reception, how unlike may be the result!''
    10. "When the Sacrament is broken, doubt not, but remember,
    that there is just as much hidden in a fragment,
    as there is in the whole. There is no division of the substance,
    only a breaking of the species takes place, by which
    neither the state nor stature of the substance signified is
    11. "Lo, the Bread of Angels is made the food of earthly
    pilgrims: truly it is the Bread of children, let it not be
    cast to dogs. It was prefigured in types,—when Isaac was
    immolated, when the Paschal Lamb was sacrificed, when
    Manna was given to the fathers." Filiorum . . . . canibus:
    The children are the worthy; the dogs are the unworthy.
    Non est bonum sumere panem filiorum et mittere
    canibus (Matt. 15, 26). These words were addressed by
    Our Lord to the Chanaanite woman; the children alluded
    to by Christ are the Jews, the seed of Abraham; the dogs
    are the Gentiles who were so designated on account of
    their idolatry and other sinful practices.
    12. " 0 Good Shepherd, True Bread, 0 Jesus, have mercy
    on us: feed us and protect us: make us see good things in
    the land of the living. Thou who knowest all things and
    canst do all things, who here feedest us mortals, make us
    there be Thy guests, the co-heirs, and companions of the
    heavenly citizens." Terra viventium: Credo videre bona
    Domini in terra viventium (Ps. 26, 13).
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Tom S.
    Posts: 6
    This is exactly what I need. Thank you very much!
  • Felipe Gasper
    Posts: 804
    Umm, Jeff? That’s a metrical/rhymed translation of the sequence.....?
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Not sure what you mean. E.g.

    "To-day there is given us a special theme of praise, the Bread both living and life-giving, which, it is not to be doubted, was given to the assembly of the brethren, twelve in number, at the table of the holy Supper.''
  • Felipe Gasper
    Posts: 804
    My bad - sorry!

    That’s a pretty cool resource: both metrical AND literal translations of lots of the hymns.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    it is so amazing and generous of CMAA to put up all these books
  • janetgorbitzjanetgorbitz
    Posts: 968
    I put together a doc with Meinrad font for Ecce panis in English and Latin for Corpus Christi for use by my choir since the Breaking Bread does not have it at all. If anyone would like to use it (such as it is), you can find it here:

    click here

    The English translation came from here:
    click here
    Posts: 2
    I just found this page that might be useful for people looking for arrangements of the Sequence for Corpus Christi.
    Thanked by 1ronkrisman
  • One more book with literal translations of Hymns and references: