Welcome to the Easter Octave, Happy Easter, Christ is risen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Happy Easter, we have a head start as our Vigil was at 3pm. Have just sang Compline with my children.

    This year has been especially exhausting as the local Polish church was illegally shut down on Good Friday by the police, so I have had to update and polish our risk assessment, as well as organising the music, Singing Propehcies, being 2nd Cantor and organising our Covid Stewards.

    St. Bede's London E.F. 3pm-6.30ish.

    Lumen Christi / Exsultet, Chant
    12 Prophecies...
    1st 'Fssp' tone.
    8th Xicatunense tone.
    12th Holger Sandhofe special melody.
    All others sung to the Prophecy tone. ( We had plenty of lectors this year! )
    Tracts: Cantemus, Vinea, Attende, Chant from the Graduale Romanum
    Sicut Cervus, Palestrina
    Sitivit Anima mea, Palestrina
    Blessing of Font, Chant
    Litany of the Saints
    Kyrie I: ad Lib
    Gloria I: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    Alleluia / Tract, Chant from the Graduale Romanum
    Off, Christus Resurgens
    Sanctus: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    Benedictus: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    Communion: O Salutaris Hostia, Pierre de la Rue
    Vespers: Chant from the Graduale Romanum
    Marian Anthem, Regina Caeli, Witt.
  • KARU27
    Posts: 184
    He is risen indeed!
    Happy Easter to all!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • He is risen!
    A blessed Easter to all. Despite the challenges of this past Lent with my resignation, not all is lost. I served the most beautiful Easter Vigil I've ever witnessed in my entire life at the Toronto Oratory. You would almost think it was EF at the Offertory.

    The video can be seen here.

    If anyone wants to see the music work I'm doing, at the same church, there will be a Missa Cantata (UA) at 2:30 PM EDT, livestreamed here.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • vansensei
    Posts: 225
    I really hope someone this year did the Lusitano Regina Cæli. What a gorgeous piece.
  • Happy Easter to each and all!

    Yesterday at Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, we did the following:

    - Four prophecies (as per the use of Paris), sung with melismatic tones (the same can be said of the Epistle).
    - Three tracts, all sung in plainsong.
    - Sicut Cervus, in plainsong.
    - Litany of the Saints, each invocation being sung twice (first by the cantors, then by the people).
    - Missa Lux et Origo.
    - "O salutaris Hostia" after the Consecration, according to French custom, in musical plainsong.
    - At the Communion: the paschal Canon of Saint John of Damascus sung in Latin, with some falsebordone, in the sixth tone.
    - At Vespers: psalm 116 sung with faux-bourdons, and the Magnificat in the eight tone.
    - "O filii et filiae", in polyphony.

    The following day, a Solemn High Mass was celebrated (to which I didn't come), and on the Evening, we will sing Solemn Stational Vespers according to the ancient Use of Paris.
  • vansensei
    Posts: 225
    4 Prophecies in regular tone along with usual ceremony

    Liber Usualis chants

    Missa Benedicta es Tu, Virgo Maria (Steven Talley)
    Ave Maria, Virgo Serena (Des Prez)
    Regina Cæli (Lotti)
    Alleluia Vespere autem Sabbathi (Byrd)
    Sicut Cervus — Palestrina
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,212
    Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!
    Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

    Thanked by 2tomjaw CharlesW
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Easter Sunday 11am Mass at St. Bedes, As the Covid regulations ban congregational singing this is another perfect excuse to sing a polyphonic Mass setting.
    A very tired choir after all the singing over the last week but all went well. We will also be singing Mass tomorrow!

    Processional Hymn: Salve festa dies
    Vidi Aquam: Chant from G.R. 1924
    INT: Resurrexi, Chant from G.R. 1924
    K: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    G: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    GRAD: Haec Dies, Chant from G.R. 1924
    ALL: Pascha nostrum, Chant from G.R. 1924
    SEQ: Victimae paschali laudes, Chant from G.R. 1924
    C: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    OFF: Terra tremuit, Chant from G.R. 1924
    OFF Motet: Sicut Cervus, Palestrina
    S: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    B: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    A: Missa super Dixit Maria, Hassler
    COM: Pascha nostrum, Chant from G.R. 1924
    COM. Motet: Sitivit Anima mea, Palestrina
    Domine Salvum fac.
    Marian Anthem, Regina Caeli, Witt.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    Happy Easter, all!

    The ushers had to shut the doors to the cathedral today right before Mass began. We had a ton of people there today, and by the looks of it, 22,000 people (and counting) viewed the livestream.

    It was a beautiful Mass this morning. It truly felt like Easter today.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church, Montgomery, TX
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter
    Propers, tracts, and antiphons ordinarily drawn from Divine Worship: The Gradual (working draft)

    Palm Sunday
    At the Blessing- Hosanna Filio David
    At the Distribution- Hosanna Filio David, Confitemini Domino
    At the Procession- All Glory Laud and Honor
    At the Entrance of the Church- Ingrediente
    Sung Propers
    Offertory- Adoramus Te (Dubois)
    Popule Meus (Victoria, minus the Hagios choruses)
    Glory Be to Jesus (WEM IN LEIDENSTAGEN)
    Recession- O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)

    Maundy Thursday
    Sung Propers
    Procession- Ave Verum Corpus (trad)
    Gradual- Christus Factus Est (Palmer Burgess)
    At the Maundy- Ubi Caritas (trad)
    Offertory- Anima Christi (Cherion)
    Communion- Adoro Te Devote (trad)
    Stripping of the Altar- Psalm 22
    Procession to the Altar of Repose- Pange lingua gloriosi Corporis mysterium (trad Sarum)

    Good Friday
    Sung Propers
    At the Veneration
    -Crucem Tuam Adoramus
    - Reproaches (Victoria) with verses of Palmer Burgess
    -Adoramus Te (Dubois)
    At Communion
    -O Bone Jesu (Ingegneri)
    -Vexilla Regis (trad)
    Post Communion
    -O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)

    Easter Vigil
    Sung Propers
    -Antiphons, Litanies, and Tracts as designated in the Gradual
    -Psalms (from St. Dunstan's Psalter)
    At the Sprinkling- Vidi Aquam
    Offertory- Now the Green Blade Rises (Arr. Bullard)
    At Communion-
    This Joyful Eastertide (Arr. Wood)
    At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (SALZBURG)
    Recessional- Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today (EASTER HYMN), + descant (anon)

    Easter Sunday
    Sung Propers
    Merbecke Ordinary
    Processional- Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today (EASTER HYMN) + descant (anon)
    Sprinkling- Vidi Aquam
    Offertory- Now the Green Blade Rises (Arr. Bullard)
    At Communion-
    This Joyful Eastertide (Arr. Wood)
    At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (SALZBURG)
    Recessional- The Strife is O'er (VICTORY)
    Postlude- Improvised Sortie on NOEL NOUVELET and VICTIMAE PACHALI LAUDES
    Thanked by 1tomjaw