Transitional mass settings
  • davido
    Posts: 986
    The attached is "An English Mass" by Thomas Reardon, published in the Parish Mass Book and Hymnal. The copy I have a is missing pages or is a factory second, so I don't have the date of publication. However, it uses the transitional 1965 translation of the missal. (one wishes they had stopped with this version) I think it was published by Catholic Book Publishing Company. Most of the psalm responses in the book are by J. Vincent Higginson (pseudonym Cyr de Brant).

    If anyone has an accompaniment to this mass, or knows were I might locate it, I would be most appreciative.

    I am also curious to see other plainsong style mass settings from the era of the 1965 missal.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,145
    Did you succeed in attaching the file? The forum can accept PDF files, provided the file name contains no spaces or punctuation marks (apart from hyphens).
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • davido
    Posts: 986
    Whoops, here it is
    An English Mass.pdf
    Thanked by 1Don9of11
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 736
    I searched through my copy of "American Masses and Requiems" by David P. DeVenney, a collection listing over 900 masses and I could find no entries for Thomas Reardon.
  • I have an SATB octavo (no actual accompaniment. Would that be helpful?

    EDIT: Looking at it in more detail, it is not SATB. It is unison w/ congregation. The parts that I took to be ATB must be the accompaniment.
  • davido
    Posts: 986
    petrus, yes, I would love to see that!
  • Here you are!
  • davido
    Posts: 986
    Wow, that is awesome! I didn’t really expect anyone to have it. Do you have any other similar music from this era? Or was this sort of a one-off thing?
    Thank you so much!
  • We don't have anything else in the files that is based on chant, but there was clearly an effort to put out some new material. Here are some of the interesting titles that we have from the mid-1960's...

    Mass in Honor of Vatican Council II by Gerhard Track - 1964
    Mass for Christian Unity by Jan Vermulst - 1964
    Mass for the Dead by Rev. John C. Selner, S.S. - 1964
    Mass to Honor the North American Martyrs by Robert Schaffer - 1964
    People's Mass No. 1 by Joseph Roff - 1964
    A Simple Hymn Tune Mass In English by Carroll Thomas Andrews - 1964
    A Mass for Unity by Noel Goemanne - 1965

    etc., etc.
  • Mass in Honor of Saint Paul - Goemanne (circa 1965)
  • Davido,
    I'm thrilled you asked about this setting! It is near and dear to me....Father Reardon was a well loved pastor for 21 years in one of my home parishes until his retirement in 1998 (he passed away in January 2010). The Holy and Agnus Dei were in regular use in that parish for decades, until within the last few years (may still be in use, but not sure). I tweaked the Kyrie years ago and have used it off & on since. I adapted a Memorial Acclamation D and Doxology/Amen for the old missal but they have never been used. I also updated the Gloria for use with the 2011 revised RM, and while I was musically satisfied with the result, I was not satisfied overall because the "verse" structure of 1965 is not the same as today. The above mentioned parish, however, did use my revised Gloria when the new missal came out.

    The Sanctus, Agnus, and my tweaked Kyrie were used at my wedding in 2012, in that same church.

    I was going to offer to send you the accompaniment bit it looks like someone else beat me to it.