Dum complerentur is the Entrance Antiphon given in the Graduale Simplex for Pentecost. However, it's not the same as that in the G. Romanum nor in the Sacramentary. Anyone know why? Also, what does it mean (in English). Thanks.
You are comparing an apple, an orange, and a banana.
The GS texts are newly compiled in the 1960s. The Missal/Sacramentary antiphons are, strictly speaking, also newly compiled in the 1960s, but they often just copy the ones from the GR.
The GR texts are the traditional, centuries-old ones, though they were rearranged to accord with the reformed Mass after V2.
(Note: the antiphons in the 1962 Missal are the same as the GR’s, NOT the same as the ones in the modern Missal/Sacramentary.)
It is so, but please notice that the antiphons in the GS are actually office antiphons, normally from quite respectable old sources. Hesbert gives an impressive number of mediaeval sources for this particular antiphon.
> what does it mean
I'm not a native English speaker, so I apologise for any awkard choice of words: «When the days of Pentecost were completed, they were all unanimously saying, alleluia.»
It was taken from the 2nd vespers of Pentecost (first antiphon - see Liber Usualis, p. 884) - hence its antiquity. Similarly, the offertory antiphon "Confirma hoc, Deus," - which happens to be the same text as that found in the GR - is taken from Matins of Pentecost (Liber, p. 869); the Communion antiphon "Spiritus qui" is the Magnificat antiphon at Vespers of the Thursday in the Octave of Pentecost (Liber, p. 896), and so forth.
The text is adapted from Acts 2:1: "And when the days of the Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together saying: alleluia."
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