St. ____ is a vibrant Catholic parish of 1,500 households in [a large, Midwestern metropolitan city] committed to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Full-time position to direct a long-standing music program of high quality: 65 vocalists and instrumentalists and a five-octave hand bell choir. Three weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals. The repertoire is integrated, including traditional, contemporary, and classical music. Steinway Concert Grand and Ahlborn-Galanti Chronicler II. Formal musical training, keyboard and choir skills, and knowledge of Catholic liturgy.
St. _____ is an orthodox Catholic parish of 1,500 households in [a large metropolitan area, suburb, etc.] committed to the application of music and liturgical practices that adhere to the received tradition and mind of the Church. Multiple choirs and scholas with a high degree of commitment to learning and perfecting the singing of chant and polyphony. The repertoire is in keeping with the patrimony of the Church. 3-manual pipe organ in rear gallery. Formal musical training, organ and choral training skills, and commitment to the teachings of the Faith a must.
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