Petit-Fritzen Hand Bells
  • Richard Proulx introduced me to Petit-Fritzen Hand Bells and their use. Each Lord's Day we sing the Propers set to the Gregorian Psalm Tones and use Petit-Fritzen Hand Bells as musical punctuation at the conclusion of both phrases. We have a set of three octaves, but our lowest octave is missing notes C to E. Most important for Propers punctuation are notes C1 (lowest octave), and D3 (lowest octave). D#4 (lowest octave), and E5 (lowest octave) also would be useful. Does anyone have a double set or does not use these lowest notes or knows of someone who has them and would sell them? Your help would be most appreciated! Thank you! Daniel Reuning, Kantor at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN.