Christmas duets for Soprano/Alto
  • I am an organist who can sing mezzo/alto, and my cantor is a soprano. I am looking for ideas for Christmas duets (English or Latin). Many thanks!
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,340
    From Rossini's Canticum Novum (accompanied duets for 2-voices)
    Adeste Fideles // Jesu, Redemptor Omnium // Parvulus Filius // Laetentur Caeli // Tui Sunt Caeli

    You could also look at The Oxford Book of Flexible Carols;
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 739
    I have several pieces for SA that we sang in St. Mary's Choir during the 80s. These are all in English and likely are not in print anymore. Most of these were sung as part of our Christmas program before Mass (Ordinary Form). If you are interested send me a PM and I can send you copies. Here is a list:

    Christ Was Born on Christmas Day SA - 1968
    Christmas Dawn SSA - 1928
    Come All Ye Faithful SA - 1952
    Gloria in Excelsis Deo SSA - 1959
    O Babe Divine SA - 1956
    O Light of the World SSA - 1934
    Sleeping the Christ Child Lay SA - 1928
    With Glory Lit the Midnight Air Revealed SAB - 1906

    Also an Easter hymn for SAA - 1891