Music for presbyteral ordination
  • Given the warnings in the thread discussing deaconate ordination about which songs were not appropriate (such as Veni, Creator Spiritus), we are hoping for guidance regarding the presbyteral ordination our very new men's schola has been asked to sing for. Their repertoire is very small, and though they are willing to learn new music, they also hope they can use some of the pieces they already know. We have Dr. Ford's very helpful Musical Choice Template and now need to start filling it in. I'll be cantoring some of the propers (Introit, Offertorio, Communio) from the GR.

    It seems a Te Deum would be appropriate? Can anyone recommend a polyphonic setting for a small men's schola?

    Here are further questions from the schola's director:

    Schola's Current Repertoire: O Gloriosa Virginum by Ravanello, Magnificat on psalm tone 8, Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart, O Sanctissima by Franck

    1 Of our current pieces, can any of these can be included in an ordination, and where in the Mass are they most appropriate?

    2 We need a list of appropriate hymns to choose from.

    3 We need to know when congregational singing us appropriate, and when choir polyphony is appropriate during the ordination?

    Thanks so much,

    Joan Carey
  • darth_linux
    Posts: 120
    I'm going to go ahead and attempt an answer and err on the side of very conservative, mainly because I don't have a solid definitive answer.

    I would say that you may be able to sing the Magnificat as a second Offertory piece (after the proper Psalm with antiphon) and perhaps Ave Verum Corpus would be ok as a second Communio after the proper chant was sung.

    For congregational singing, how about reserving that for the recessional? I don't have a song suggestion for that except for perhaps "Immaculate Mary" in English, since we have won another priest for her Immaculate Heart . . .

    that's my best guess as a non-DMA and/or non-DM.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    It would seem that Mozart would be most appropriate for Communion, after the communio chant.
    Check out the 'ordination commons' in the GR for more appropriate chants.
    Check on for hymns arranged for male voices.
    for Mass ordinary- chant or a simple part setting - like the Schubert German mass in the Proulx edition (Gia)
  • Thank you so much! It's good to hear that it wouldn't be unreasonable to use some of the pieces they already know. I really appreciate it. It's nice to see the beautiful Schubert German Mass mentioned; we've used that at Christmas. - Joan