OCO MMXV The Ferial Antiphons
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    Here's the list of the ferial antiphons according to the OCO MMXV: www.Antiphonale.net/OCO/Psalterium
    The codes over there are read as follows:
    1H -- 4H means week 1 -- 4
    1 -- 7 means Sunday -- Saturday
    1V, Ol, L, Hm, 2V are first Vespers, Officium lectionis, Lauds, Hora media and second Vespers
    The last item gives the position of the antiphon in the office: 1 -- 3 resp. B(enedictus) and M(agnificat)

    The main sources for the melodies are volume III of Mons. Turco's "Antiphonae et Responsoria", the Regensburg "Antiphonale Synopticum" (indicated in the gabc code by the respective CAO number) and a recent publication by the "The Psalterium Project" called "Psalterium Currens" (edited by Prof. Cornelius Pouderoijen osb). Some antiphons are also taken from the well known "Psalterium monasticum" and from manuscripts available on the internet. 1 antiphon "Faciem tuam" is from an unpublished Udine manuscript, available on microfilm in the Stäblein library at Würzburg.
    On Saturdays of week 1, 2 and 4 and on Friday of week 4 we have in the Officium lectionis 2 sets of antiphons, one for Ordinary time and one for Advent, Christmas Tide, Lent and Easter Tide. The latter are marked by an x. These correspond to the long historical psalms which are omitted in Ordinary time. For these psalms the OCO proposes a number of non traditional antiphons which are not yet published. Fortunately the first antiphon of all 4 series is a traditional one, so those who want to strictly follow the OCO can sing the whole psalm under this single antiphon. The second and third antiphon I have instead taken from Frans Kok's "Laus divina".
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,005
    Thanks for compiling this! This is a great resource. Bookmarked it. I really appreciate all the effort you put into this!

    A suggestion:
    - would it possible to add the 'Antiphonae ad cantica evangelica ad libitum adhibendae pro ecclesiis minoribus' (for Lauds and Vespers on Sundays), OCO ,p. 282-283?
    - would it be possible to add the antiphons for Compline (OCO p. 165-167) and the 'Antiphonae ad libitum ad canticum Nunc dimittis' (OCO, p. 283)?
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    I've added the gospel antiphons for the 4 Sundays. The only problem was "Sanctum est nomen". It's a traditional antiphon but its melody has been lost. Fortunately the neumes in the Hartker antiphoner are quite similar to the neumes for "Ad patres nostros". So I did a compromise between the neumes for Sanctum est nomen and the melody for Ad patres.
    Thanked by 1smvanroode
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    I've added the antiphonae ad libitum.
    Thanked by 1smvanroode
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    Added compline.
    Thanked by 1smvanroode
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,005
    I'm surprised at the antiphon Caro mea for Compline on Friday. Alberto Turco adheres to the fourth mode melody of the cantus 'veteris romani' that OCO actually refers to (which is I-Rvat SP B.79, 100v), and gives the more common seventh mode melody as an option. I wonder if the compilers of OCO did refer to this different melody on purpose, to set Compline apart from the Ordo Exsequiarum?
  • joerg
    Posts: 137
    I think, I can finally answer this question:

    The OCO index has 2 entries for the antiphon Caro mea requiescet:
    "Caro mea requiescet 1" for Office of Readings on Holy Saturday (OHS 315, 7th mode)
    "Caro mea requiescet 2" for Compline on Thursdays (Rom, 4th mode)

    When the OCO has two versions of an antiphon for two different occasions, then Mons. Turco would usually give both of them on both occasions.

    So according to OCO the correct version for Compline on Thursdays would be the mode 4 antiphon.
    Thanked by 1smvanroode