Question about English translation of Latin text
  • One unexpected benefit of the pandemic has been the adoption in my home of daily Vespers. Though not a hard-core traditionalist by any means, my wife, ever the English teacher, prefers the form and translation of the 1962 version. (Being pressed for time, we recite the prayers in English since at the moment there are too many complications for chanting.)

    Yesterday, September 23, the antiphon for the Magnificat stopped us both in our tracks. “This kind of devils can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting.” Surely this a mistranslation, we wondered.

    Here’s the Latin original: Hoc genus dæmoniórum in nullo potest exíre, nisi in oratióne et ieiúnio.

    Is “exire” in this case akin to “exorcise”? Knowing that there are able Latin scholars who follow this website, we are hoping one of you will provide some clarity to this text. Thanks.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,060
    FWIW the Greek Gospel of Mark does not include a word for dæmoniórum...nor does the Vulgate (but Challoner includes (of devils) parenthetically).

    And for bonus points, whether the Greek for "et ieiúnio" is included depends on which codex one uses...

  • et dixit illis hoc genus in nullo potest exire nisi in oratione et ieiunio (Mk. 9:28 VUL)
    Et dixit illis: "Hoc genus in nullo potest exire nisi in oratione". (Mk. 9:29 NOV)
    You have to go back to Mk 9:25 to find the noun 'a dumb spirit', but the antiphon would be incoherent without being explicit.
  • Is “exire” in this case akin to “exorcise”?

    Not really. They're two separate verbs, both having the built-in proposition "ex" meaning "out of" or "from". "Exire" is akin to "exit" (that's actually "it goes out" in Latin). "Exorcizare" is akin to "exorcise".
    Thanked by 1Randolph Nichols
  • Apologies for not addressing the question -
    Exire is a Latin word, much used by classical writers like Cicero
    exeo, exire - to go out, go forth, go away, depart, withdraw, retire
    Exorcizo is a post-classical borrowing of a Greek word, and seems to be rare.
    exorcīzo , āvi, 1, v. a., = ἐξορκίζω,
    I. to drive away evil spirits by adjuration, to exorcise (post-class.),
    Dig. 50, 13, 1, § 3; Aug. Civ. D. 10, 22.

    Aug. Civ. D. means St Augustine used it (once) in his City of God.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,060
    Somewhat like crucifix in English, which is not a Latin noun.