This is Jeff Reynolds, AKA: El jefe. I direct 4 Compline Choirs @ Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in the Gold Rush town of Nevada City, CA. Because of our odd voicing; ATBarB; AATB; SSAA; SSAAT and some SATB and TTBB, I've had to compose, arrange, transcribe, and especially realize for Western music readers and instrumentalists; Gregorian Chant, Anglican Chant, Ambrosian Chant, Plainsong, harmonized Anglican chant, Anglican Chant Psalter, Orthodox chant, and know something about Greek (Eastern) and Russian chant, church Latin, church Modes, Macaronic texts, transliteration, fauxbourdon, Sarum, and Psalm Tones into notation that instrumentalists can read. In reality, I use so much Gregorian and Ambrosian Chant that you could consider our product a Roman/Anglican marriage without the guilt but with time for personal examination of conscience.
During Covid I edited my whole library (almost all my own engravings on Sibelius), down to 5342 items, about 10K pages.
Our Compline groups have now chanted around 150 Late Night Prayers in several locations, the complete scores of which I have in the collection and archived.
The 2 gig thumb drive contains 567 megs of material. I tried sending these as an attachment, but our satellite internet (Hughesnet) is much too slow on the upload.
I'm giving away the whole thing on a thumb drive. That's right, no cost.
If you want the Compline Library, I need your street address to which to mail the thumb drive.
To reply directly, my email address is or, PM me your street address.
After much searching, trial and error, we settled on a realized version of the 2005 edition of An Order for Night Prayer COMPLINE in traditional language Published by the Royal School of Church Music for The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society.
The most important part of our version of Compline is how high quality and effective the musical choices are. For this, I'm thankful to be an Anglican/Episcopalian/Moravian (followers of Jan Huss) with few doctrinal impediments standing in our way.
The Compline Library is in both Sibelius 7.5 and a pdf format, side by side. I have a big stack of thumb drives and they are getting shipped.
Our style is that of the Compline Choir in Seattle's St. Mark's Cathedral. My mentor was the late Peter Hallock.
My last gig was playing bass trombone with the L.A. Philharmonic (1969-2006) and as a studio musician playing a lot of recordings and Hollywood film scores. I was also a full professor of music @ Long Beach State in CA in charge of 80 brass players. My connection with Sacred Music dates back to my 4 decades as choir director at the Moravian Church.
Here are the file categories. Files 01 to 05 are what I call the "Big Five" of Compline: the tunes that change each time according to the Lectionary and the season.
00 Intro 210 items 01 ORISON 222 items 02 HYMN 303 items 03 Psalm 330 items (many of these are complete Psalms) 04 Nunc 274 items 05 Anthem 334 items 06 AN ORDER pdf 140 items 06.1 Other Orders for Compline 07 printed programs 147 items 08 other orders 5 items 09 service music 225 items 10 packaged scores 1601 items 11 Heinrich Isaac 91 items 12 Maundy Thursday 108 items 13 Russian/Greek Ortho 97 items 14 chants, various 197 items 15 Ave Maria, Salve, O’s 97 items 16 Voces Angelorum 696 items 17 John Sheppard 11 items 18 packaged complete 70 items 19 Josquin 22 items 20 Gallus/Handl 22 items 22 Tallis 43 items
I've had a big response to the Compline Offer from those who PM'd and emailed me their addresses. A dozen thumb drives go out in the mail in the A.M. I would not leave your personal information on this post, but PM or email me the address.
Below, as another sample, find my own setting of Psalm 32 for AATB or ATBarB men's choir. Yes, we have countertenors. You could do many of these AATB tunes up a step with SATB choirs.
I would love to acquire your work, but I am at the point at which I am not adding to my already over flowing music library. Your work is a rare treasure. Thank you for sharing it.
Since the readers of this forum are mostly Romans, and the Compline Hymn is one of the big 5 @ Compline, here follows the pre-Vat II hymn @ Compline for the seasons of Epiphany and Lent.
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