I have several priests who want to learn to 'sing the mass'. This would be the Novus Ordo in English. Is there an edition of this with EVERY part of the mass, salutations, dialogues, pax, tones for collects, blessings - Everything - in English with musical note? I have in the past taught this by making my own copies set to historic tones, but am now afraid to do this for fear of infringing on the wretched copyright of sacred texts. When I did this it never entered my mind that there was a copyright involved here. It is a preposterous hindrance to put copyright on a sacred text that belongs to all of us! Also, in the past, I assumed that every priest was taught to do this in seminary. Apparently, and astonishingly, this is not the case. Isidore of Seville said that a man who cannont (will not) sing should not be ordained. He was right; at least as far as those who minister in civilised and culturally advanced areas are concerned.
The copy of the Sacramentary I have access to has just about everything but the ordinary in English plain chant with modern notation. Come to think of it, it has one setting of the Sanctus in English (it's the Missa pro defunctis setting adapted to the English text).
Yes, I have seen Sacramentaries in English with most of the music that one would expect. Probably, I will aquire one. Still, it would be nice to have something more manageable for teaching purposes. The question remains, however - if and when the notes are right there in front of them on the altar, why do they not sing them? Most seem to think they have really done something if they sing Sursum Corda or Per Ipsum. As for copyright, I am so glad that in the Anglican Use we don't have that worry - except for the very few words that are inserted from the Roman Missal.
Here's a routine reminder: Write with future readers in mind.
I daresay most people can't read music very well if at all, and that most people are not comfortable singing without lots of practice and encouragement.
One would think both issues could be dealt with through regular musical training during seminary.
Check out the publications by Priory Press, which is run by (Deacon) Edward Schaefer, who is current at the University of Florida but previous at Gonzaga University. http://www.priorypress.com/
Thanks immensely. This is very helpful.
(It would be nice if one could get an edition of this for $50 or less for teaching and classroom purposes.)
Adoremus hymnal also has a lot of the priest's parts written out. It's a good place to start. With a new translation of the Mass coming out, though, I wonder if now is the time start teaching a priest who has never learned to sing the current one. I'm considering doing this at my church as well, but I have to come up with a strategy.
Incantu -
Your point about the immiment translation is quite apt. It may be two or three years away, though; and since these priestly gentlemen really do want to sing the mass Right Now, one should take full advantage of their enthusiasm and satisfy their genuine concern.
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