"solemnior" version of Jeremiah's Lamentations for Holy Week triduum?
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    I heard what I'd call a "solemnior" version of Jeremiah's Lamentations for Holy Week triduum (more solemn than the Liber Usualis's). Does a scanned version of the score exist somewhere?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    Heard where, exactly?

    Giovanni Battista Rossi's examples in Organo de Cantori (1618) (p.108) are so elaborate he added this disclaimer:

    Questo modo di cantare fe bene hò pigliato per tema le lamentationi di Gierimia profeta, non mancherò di dire che servira ad altra sorte di canti, ò sia in Choro overo fuori di esso: che sò bene io che il ceremonial nuovo mi commanda cantar dette lamentationi con li suoi officij altramente come habiamo notato nel nostro libro de divinis officijs, nel libro primo, nel capitolo, de cantore: capitolo vendisette, dedicato à N. S. Papa Paolo V.
    Chi vorrà porvi un Basso, servirà questo qui posto, dove si vede che corrispondono li numeri à numeri, & segni à segni, & dove si vede il segno della Breve, si cantarà alla Breve.
    Il canto poi può essere più sminuito secondo la dispositione del cantore, si potrà anco cantare con qualche, stromento come più piacerà al cantore, come liuto, ò simile. Tutto ciò si è posto per quelli che si dilettono delle cose di Chiesa, che per alletar le persone all'officio cosi Santo cercano novi modi & maniere di dilettare, si dice Che Sant' Agostino sempre di dolcezza piangeva quando sentiva cantare & sonare nelli divini officij, cosi doveressimo far noi pensando à quella Chiesa trionfante, piena di suoni & canti, alla quale dovemo sempre aspirare.
    Incipit Lamentatio (Rossi) p1.pdf
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,792
    Do you mean the Ex. Cod. Toletano,image
    Or these,
    N.B. These are files that have been linked from this Forum but the links are now dead, so have uploaded all the tones not found in the Liber here,
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    @tomjaw Wow, that "Lectionarium tenebrale.pdf" in your DropBox zip archive is very nice! Thanks! That does seem to be "solemnior" than the Liber Usualis's.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,792
    Have been looking for recordings,
    Here they are singing them to the Tone in the Liber for the First two but using the Ex Cod. Silensi for the third, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1507&v=37dmLiZDktE&feature=emb_logo
    For the Chant this file has lamentations set to the following, Ex Cod. Silensi, Ex Cod. Legionensi, Ex Cod. Toletano, and Ex Cantatorio Escurialensi.

    Here is a link to Lamentations de Francois Couperin,

    This recording has the first two sung the the Liber tone but the third to a tone that does not appear in the files I have, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJeFDAdCQpI

    A Search in this Youtube stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz1_vK-gfwd26Q3cIvDxPg will find other recordings...

    They may be Lamentations, but you will not lament the time spent listening to these links!
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Geremia
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    @tomjaw I see your "Lectionarium tenebrale.pdf" only includes Holy Friday's matins. Are there versions for Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday matins, too?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,792
    The dropbox link has all the ones that have been posted on this forum and I have saved them to my computer files library,. I don't think the project was ever finished.

    Tenebrae booklets can be found here, https://www.pre1955holyweek.com/for-the-faithful
    Hugh Henry's webpage also has other resources, http://www.fidelitybooks.com.au/Hugh/

    What exactly are you looking for? I have resources that have not be nicely typeset that I have not posted but my choir uses.
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    What exactly are you looking for?

    one that includes the Mozarabic/"solemnior" Lamentations for Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,792
    This has Holy Saturday with Solemior lamentations, Legionensi / Silos codex
    This has the other days,
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • Simon
    Posts: 161
    This discussion has a link back to 2018 on this forum. Hugh Henry based his own transcription of the Mozarabic Lamentations on 3 pdf's that I sent him back in 2014 (and much later posted on this website) after a plea from him for more of this material, if available.

    The original Spanish edition dates from the 1930s. I had a copy - not even an original but a photocopy - and made pdf's of the whole publication.

    Here is the link to that item with the pdf's of this edition. Hugh made his own transcription in a clearer and easier singable edition. I read it through and we got the mistakes out that inevitably occur in such a labor of transcription. The pdf's are the original complete editions of these Lamentations, however - should there be any oversights in our editing.

    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen Geremia
  • I am wondering where one can find the notation for the Lamentations of Jeremiah sung by a solo cantor on the recording of Mozarabic Chant by the monks of Santo Domingo de Silos from some years ago.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,792
    You may find what you are looking for here, https://www.verbumgloriae.es/recursos/libros/
    One of the books available to download is, Cantus Lamentationum Juxta Hispanos Codices, Solesmes, 1934

    Some of the links above do not work but I have everything saved I think all the lamentations can be found here, dropbox
  • Eureka! Thank you very much! The chant is there: Feria VI Parasceve, Lectio III. Such a beautiful melody for the Hebrew letters! Thank you!
    ~ Michael Mello
    Thanked by 1tomjaw