(c4) IN(f) il(h)lo(g) tém(g)po(h)re:(h) (;) Ve(h)nit(h) Ie(h)sus(h) a(h) Ga(h)li(h)læ(h)a(h) in(h) Ior(h)dá(h)nem(h) ad(h) Io(h)án(h)nem,(h) (,) ut(h) bap(h)ti(h)za(h)ré(h)tur(h) ab(h) e(g)o.(g) (:) Io(h)án(h)nes(h) au(h)tem(h) pro(h)hi(h)bé(h)bat(h) e(h)um(h) di(h)cens:(h) (,) «E(h)go(h) a(h) te(h) dé(h)be(h)o(h) bap(h)ti(h)zá(h)ri,(h) (,) et(g) tu(g) ve(g)nis(f) ad(g) me?».(gh) (:) Res(h)pón(h)dens(h) au(h)tem(h) Ie(h)sus(h) di(h)xit(h) e(h)i:(h) (,) «Si(h)ne(h) mo(h)do,(h) sic(h) e(h)nim(h) de(h)cet(h) nos(h) im(h)plé(h)re(h) om(h)nem(h) iu(h)stí(g)ti(g)am».(g) (:) Tunc(h) di(h)mít(h)tit(h) e(g)um.(g) (:) Bap(h)ti(h)zá(h)tus(h) au(h)tem(h) Ie(h)sus,(h) (,) con(h)fés(h)tim(h) as(f)cén(h)dit(g) de(g) a(g)qua;(h) (;) et(h) ec(h)ce(h) a(h)pér(h)ti(h) sunt(h) e(h)i(h) cæ(h)li,(h) (,) et(h) vi(h)dit(h) Spí(h)ri(h)tum(h) De(h)i(h) de(h)scen(h)dén(h)tem(h) si(h)cut(h) co(h)lúm(h)bam(h) (,) et(h) ve(h)ni(h)én(h)tem(h) su(g)per(g) se.(g) (:) Et(h) ec(h)ce(h) vox(h) de(h) cæ(h)lis(h) di(h)cens:(h) (,) «Hic(h) est(h) Fí(h)li(h)us(h) me(h)us(h) di(h)léc(fh)tus,(h) (,) in(g) quo(g) mi(g)hi(g) com(g)plá(gh)cu(h)i».(h) (::) (h+)
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