EF: SS Peter & Paul / What Mass is this Sunday?
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Hi All,

    Curious to know what EF Mass you are celebrating this Sunday:
    Transferred Nat. of St. John the Baptist
    (I don't know if that's a real thing... maybe if your church is named for St. John-Baptist?)
    Anticipated/External Holy Apostles SS Peter & Paul
    4th Sunday after Pentecost

    According to the rubrics in my L.Brevior, this Mass,
    "...Nunc scio vere is only sung on 29 June. When this date falls on a week-day (which will be this coming Monday), and if the Feast of the Holy Apostles is transferred to the next Sunday, the following rules are observed:
    a) on 30 June the Mass of that day is sung, Scio cui credidi (comm. St. Paul)
    b) From 1-5 July inclusive, the Mass Mihi autem."

    That sounds like SS Peter & Paul isn't supposed to be anticipated?
    Perhaps that's different for a church dedicated to SS Peter & Paul, though?
    Maybe my 2018 reprint (my other one became moldy after the tornado) is outdated?

    What Mass propers are you using this Sunday?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    Normally apart from the Feast of the Holy Rosary, external solemnities are not anticipated. So according to the books in use Sunday would be the IV Sunday after Pentecost.

    Of course you could have an external Solemnity of St. John the Baptist on this Sunday, and according to my 1910 Liber, in some places this Sunday is also B.V.M. Perpetual Succour. I am also sure that the last Sunday of June was also an external solemnity but can't find a reference as to what it was...

    I suspect most places will have the IV Sunday...
  • madorganist
    Posts: 906
    Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Feasts are neither transferred nor anticipated in the EF, but an external solemnity (i.e., Mass of the feast but without an office) is allowed for several reasons. See rubrics 356-361 of the Missal. The external solemnity of Ss. Peter & Paul is observed the following Sunday, July 5, apparently obligatory in the US. The Liber brevior rubric is obsolete. See the previous discussion here:
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • My Ordo (from the Institute)

    Sunday June 28th: 4th Sunday after Pentecost.
    The Vigil of Ss. Peter and Paul is omitted this year

    by contrast,

    Sunday 27th September External Solemnity of ST. Therese of the Child Jesus may be celebrated (but 17th Pentecost is listed first)
    Tuesday 29th September St. Michael
    Saturday October 3 St. Therese...
    Sunday October 4 18th Pentecost
    External Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary.

    So, the feast doesn't get transferred (think Ascension Thursday or Epiphany in the New Calendar) but the festivity does.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    Feasts are neither transferred ... in the EF

    Example 1. Feast of the Annunciation when it falls during Holy week, or Easter week is transferred to the Monday after Low Sunday.

    Example 2. Feast of St George in England is also transferred on a regular basis.

    Example 3. Our Church was dedicated on the Feast of the Precious Blood, so one of those Feasts has to be transferred to the 3rd July.

    Candlemas is another example when it falls on a Sunday in Septuagesima.
    Thanked by 1madorganist
  • madorganist
    Posts: 906
    You're absolutely right. I should have been more specific: neither transferred to nor anticipated on a Sunday. Similarly for the commemoration of All Souls when November 2 is a Sunday.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MariaRist
    Posts: 17
    Corinne, our parish, The Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul (whose church was dedicated on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul), is granted the right to celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul as an external solemnity this Sunday, July 28, 2020. This right is conferred to us based on three of the qualifications indicated in paragraph 358 (d, e, and f) from the 1962 General Rubrics for the Roman Missal. Paragraph 359 further clarifies that the external solemnity may be celebrated the Sunday before or after June 29.

    The Ordo we follow from the Canons of St. John Cantius notes these provisions, and below are the instructions from the 1962 Roman Missal to substantiate them. Further, our bishop has given us permission to celebrate this titular solemnity at all our Sunday Masses the weekend before or after June 29 every year, for the good of the faithful, so that many more may be present for the important celebration (than those who could come on a weekday). Our pastor has normally chosen to transfer it to the Sunday that falls nearer to June 29, but avoiding the 4th of July holiday weekend, when many parishioners may be traveling. This is an important consideration because it is also our choice feast for the Sacrament of Confirmation each year.

    V - Votive Masses on the External Solemnity of Feasts

    356. The "external solemnity" of any feast means the celebration of the feast without an office, for the good of the faithful, either on the day on which the feast is impeded, or on a Sunday when the feast occurs during the week, or on some other established day.

    357. An external solemnity either belongs to a feast by right or is granted by a special indult.

    358. An external solemnity belongs by right only to:
    a) the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost;
    b) the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the rosary, on the first Sunday of October;
    c) feasts of the 1st or 2nd class which are connected with some special liturgical service, if that liturgical service is transferred to a Sunday with the approval of the Holy See, only for the Mass which is celebrated in connection with the aforesaid liturgical service;
    d) the feast of a duly constituted principal patron;
    e) the anniversary of the dedication of the church itself in which the Mass is said;
    f) the titular feast of the church itself;
    g) the titular feast of the order or congregation;
    h) the feast of the holy founder of the order or congregation;
    i) feast of the 1st and 2nd class which are celebrated with an especially large attendance by the faithful; of this matter the local ordinary is the judge.

    359. If an external solemnity belongs to a feast by right, and is not among those for which a certain day is assigned no. 358 above, it may be held either on the day on which the feast is impeded or on the Sunday immediately preceding or immediately following the office of the impeded feast, according to the rubrics.
    If it is granted by a special indult, however, an external solemnity is assigned a definite day.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798

    Can I ask when you have the Mass of the Dedication of your church? Because the dedication is also considered to be a 1st Class Feast (Double of the 1st Class with common octave)... and my understanding is the dedication counts as a feast of Our Lord.

    It is good to see your bishop takes his duty seriously, as a Basilica does merit special rights and privileges. If you are looking for hymns in honour of your Patrons, I have set a few unusual ones,
    I have plenty more and alternative melodies that we are yet to set!

    Have looked into my old 1880 Altar Missale Romanum, in the English supplement the last Sunday of June is the Solemnity of B.V.M. Perpetual Succour. Although in those days most green Sundays were superseded by various Solemnities.
    Thanked by 1CCooze