The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity at... -
  • Trinity at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham may be viewed at One may hear the Athanasian creed in procession, some Palmer-Burgess propers and some Anglican chant, and the Willan mass. The choir during these times is reduced to a quartet and may sound somewhat weak.

    What was Trinity like in some of our other Forum churches?

    Actually, this is one of my favourite feasts, and I have never understood why it hasn't had a place in the hearts and minds of the Faithful and the Clergy as Christmas, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost - and Marian days. It should be an HDO. It is, after all, about the very God who brought all these things, indeed, all of us and all of creation, into being; who is, after all, our very real heavenly Father from whom all love and wisdom, all things created, and salvation itself, pour forth. There is but one feast day dedicated to the Blessed Trinity (ditto, the Holy Ghost), whereas there are numerous days devoted to the BVM, our Lord, and the saints. The Trinity is such a profound reality, presence, and Being that it should compel far more worship and prayer from us. He most certainly is directly accessible to us in our prayer life. It is worthy of note that when Jesus spoke of prayer it was always 'to the Father'.

    A feast for the Trinity was observed here and there in the mediaeval era, but was not a universal observation until after Thomas Becket's time. It was Becket, who, as Primate of all England, made it universal in the English Church. A few decades, I believe, after Becket's martyrdom and following his example, it was made universal throughout the Western Church.

    A now departed Dominican priest whom I did much music for liked to tell of one of Theresa of Avila's conversations with God in which He told her 'I Am He Who Is, and you are she who is not'.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • Our Lady of the Rosary, Detroit MI

    Introit: "Blessed be the Holy Trinity" - Healey Willan
    Kyrie: Mass in Honor of Saint Teresa Healey Willan
    Gloria: Holy Name of Jesus Glory to God - Norah Duncan IV
    Psalm: Setting by Royce Nichols (chant) ccwatershed
    Gospel: Alleluia - Theodore Marier (#92 HPSC)
    Offertory: (Organ) -"Offertoire pour la fête de l'Immaculée Conception de la Sainte Vierge Marie” - Servae
    Sanctus: Holy New Plainsong Mass III - David Hurd
    Mystery of Faith: "We proclaim..." Mass in Honor of Saint Ignatius - R. Weismann
    Agnus Dei: Missa VIII
    Communion: Antiphon "Receive the Body of Christ" - Russian Orthodox chant with the Communion Proper - Jeff Ostrowski
    Recessional: (Organ) Chorale Prelude on "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" - JS Bach
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,113
    St. Sebastian, Akron, OH 1PM TLM

    Missa in honorem S. Josephi Sponsi BMV, op. 21 (E. Walkiewicz) with Credo
    Offertory: Cor Jesu Trinitatis (hymn)
    Communion: Exaudi Deus (Gabriello Puliti, Sacri Accenti, 1620); O Sacrum Convivium (Peter Philips 1628)
    Gregorian Proper; psalm-toned verses on Gradual and Alleluia.

    Adjusting to the new abnormal of cantorial Masses is taking time. The diocesan guidelines mandate that I actively discourage people from singing (after 6 years of doing otherwise), by doing music they don't know. So I've ditched the processional/recessional hymns, have gone to Credo VI or composed Credos, and won't be doing Mass XI or VIII for awhile. Plus I'm having to learn a lot of new music, with little rehearsal time.

    But we're back!
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • mmeladirectress
    Posts: 1,109
    Jeffrey - since you are blessed to have the Latin Mass,

    in place of processional hymns, might you sing the day's Introit as antiphon with psalm verses?

    in place of processional and/or recessional hymns, might you have an organ solo?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Novus Ordo: Organist-Cantor only (10:30 not-quite-so-High Mass)

    Prelude: Toccata in G (manualiter)--Buxtehude
    Introit: Blessed be the Holy Trinity--Willan
    Kyrie: Messe Royale, 1re ton--du Mont
    Gloria: Messe Royale, 1re ton--du Mont
    Gradual: Arbogast
    Alleluia: Alleluia: Mode vi from St Peter Gradual/verse (mode vi) by R. Rice
    Offertory: Blessed be--Weber
    Hymn: Holy Holy Holy (without congregation--no hymnals in pews)
    Sanctus: Messe Royale, 1re ton--du Mont
    Agnus: Messe Royale, 1re ton--du Mont
    Communion: Since you are children of God--Weber
    Hymn: Jezusa Ukrytego (w/o people)
    Hymn: God Father, praise & glory (w/o people)
    Recessional: Fughetta in G (manualiter)--Bach (this is an early version of the Fugue in G from Bk 2 of WTC)
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,703
    English Masses
    Prelude - safety announcements
    Introit - Benedicta sit, Mode VIII
    Kyrie IX
    Gloria XI
    Gradual - psalm tone, Mode V
    Alleluia - GR Alleluia, psalm tone verse, Mode VIII
    Offertory - Antiphon from LCM, Mode III
    Offertory - Bless me God the Father, Mawby
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei XI
    Communion - Benedicamus, Mode IV
    Communion - Since you are the children of God, Mode VIII (LCM)
    Communion - Kyrie, fons bonitatis, Mode III
    Recessional Chant - Laudemus Dominum, Mode II

    Spanish Masses
    Prelude - safety announcements
    Introit - Bendita sea la Santa Trinidad, Mode II
    Kyrie IX
    Gloria XI
    Gradual - psalm tone, Mode V
    Alleluia - GR Alleluia, psalm tone verse, Mode VIII
    Offertory - Benedictus sit Deus Pater, Mode I with Spanish verses
    Offertory - Ave Maris Stella, Mode I
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei XI
    Communion - Benedicamus, Mode IV
    Communion - Alabad al Senor, Mode I
    Communion - Pange Lingua, Mode III
    Recessional Chant - Salve Regina, simple tone
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,005
    The pandemic and diocesan orders - not guidelines - made it interesting this year. Like Jackson, Trinity is also one of my favorites. People are escorted into the church and seated by ushers. Masks are required for everyone. However, the diocesan mandates require no congregational singing. Even the hymnals have been removed. The cantor sang the ICEL Chant Mass and the congregation sang it from memory. I played organ pieces, several chant based by Dupre, Hamilton and others. No postlude because the ushers were escorting people out pew by pew and a big organ postlude would have made their communication with the people more difficult. Maybe we can return to normal by next year.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Choral Mass in Birmingham, Cathedral of St. Paul

    Byrd Mass for Three Voices
    Gregorian Proper Benedicta Sit
    Salvator Mundi I (Tallis)
    God so loved the world (Stainer)

    Organist played the "big" Kyrie, Gott vater from Clavierubung III...amazing piece! Bach does stile antico like no other!
  • Perhaps some of the finest liturgical music in North America can be heard in Alabama!
    Thanked by 2CharlesW BruceL
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,113
    in place of processional hymns, might you sing the day's Introit as antiphon with psalm verses?

    in place of processional and/or recessional hymns, might you have an organ solo?

    To the first...The Asperges comes before the Introit, so the Introit is no good for getting people on. That's how we do it for non-Sunday holy days, but then there's no need to extend the Introit with verses; we just go on to the Kyrie, and if that's short, we wait until Fr. is in position for the Gloria.

    To the second....that's what we're doing, sorta. Our organist is a pianist by training, and doesn't play organ literature. He makes up for this by being an excellent improvisor. He's been imping people off...and on, except that Fr. and the 2 servers he's allowed came out from the sacristy instead of the side of the church, and there was no time. Normally we can only fit in one verse of anything, which is why we use the same hymn coming and going,
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 436
    St. Mary's, Tampa

    Prelude, Offertory, and Recessional organ music from Dupré's 79 Chorales:
    P: Kyrie, God the Everlasting Father
    O: Kyrie, Christ the Comforter of the World
    R: Kyrie, God the Holy Ghost

    Introit, Offertory, and Communion Anitphons: Weber

    Daniel 3: Gelineau

    Communion hymn (sung solo): Holy, Holy, Holy

    Litany of the Saints Kyrie
    Congregational Mass (Lee) Gloria
    RM chant Sanctus, Mysterium
    Mass XVIII Agnus Dei

    Hymnals removed (but collection envelopes still there...hmmm...)
    Everyone "highly encouraged" to wear masks (I estimate probably about 90% of people did)
    Choirs suspended until at least September - can only have a single cantor
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Saint Brigid Catholic Church, Johns Creek, GA

    Introit: Benedicta sit / Blessed be the Holy Trinity (Healey Willan)
    Kyrie and Gloria: New Jubilee Mass (Eason)
    Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia: Respond and Acclaim.
    Offertory: Firmly I believe and Truly (HALTON HOLGATE)
    Ordinary: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Antiphon, Benedicimus Deum Caeli, Mode IV
    Then Communion traffic control instructions
    Motet: Anima Christi (Rhett Barnwell, 2019)
    Recessional: O Trinity of Blessed Light (ILLSLEY)

    You can see the YouTube version here: It includes "song sheet" graphics of most of the service music. My organist, Rhett Barnwell, composed the Anima Christi setting in Jerusalem last summer, and we have used it quite a bit. We were working on the choral version when everything blew up.

    On Sunday, we spoke all the service music because the Archbishop has asked us to "discourage" congregational singing.
  • Sacred Heart, West Warwick, RI

    Entrance: Come, thou almighty King
    Responsorial Psalm: Glory and praise for ever (BMP)
    Alleluia: Robert Twynham (do do do so so - la fa me fa so - fa mi re do do) (v. Tone 6)
    Offertory: Holy, holy, holy
    Communion: Let us bless the God of heaven (BMP, v. from Tobit 12 and 13 - proper)
    Post-Communion: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
    Recessional: O God, Almighty Father

    Ordinary: Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
    Prelude: improvisation on Nicaea (BMP)
    Postlude: Preludium Te Deum (Marc-Antoine Charpentier)

    No choir. I cantored from the console at all Masses. Missalettes and hymnals were removed, but bulletin inserts which included the hymn texts and the readings were included, with an announcement asking the people NOT to leave them in the pew, please take them with you. Masks required, over 90% compliant. Some sang from the pew, some didn't. We made it their prerogative. ;)

  • It has been five days since Trinity Sunday, and I am still humming the Willan Introit. Over and over and over.
  • ... Over and over and over.
    What good fortune!
    Thanked by 1Joseph Michael
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Willan is not heard nearly enough! Unfortunately much of his music is stuck in copyright limbo at the moment, but we still use it. These are supposed to be SATB with organ backup, which would be a lot more festive.

    We'll sing them that way one day soon, I hope. Because it's a long, long way from May to September. :) And a lot can happen between now and then.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • Speaking of Healey, this TTBB Magnificat is especially lovely. (Right click the link.)

  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    @Joseph Michael you're kind to say that!

    I don't have any recordings from the recent Masses up, but here's a clip of the de Severac Tantum ergo from Benediction this past Sunday!
  • Collégiale Saint-André, Grenoble

    Asperges / Introït 'Benedicta sit' / Kyrie & Gloria IV - Womens schola
    Graduel 'Benedictus es' - false-bourdon (Perruchot)
    Alleluia 'Benedictus es' /Credo I / Offertory / Sanctus IV - mens schola
    Agnus IV - femmes
    Communio : - motet Alta beata trinita (anonymus)
    - anthiphon 'Benedicimus Deum coeli' - womens schola
    - canticle "au nom du Père et du Fils"
    Recessional : - Salve Regina
    - canticle "Dieu nous voulons chanter Ton Nom" (Goudimel)
    - Toccata & fugue in d-moll (Bach)
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,113
    BruceL, that's gorgeous music, beautifully sung.
    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Jeffrey, thank you. We have a committed group of people. It's taken years to establish an expectation, but I think we have a reputation in town as a fun (if very demanding!) place to sing. My colleague at the ECUSA cathedral has set similar standards, as well, so I'm hopeful we will seem less crazy as regards the demands!