Salve Regina (Simple Tone) Accompaniments
  • shawnk
    Posts: 57
    I've been looking at and comparing different online accompaniments to the simple Salve Regina but have found neither an NOH accompaniment nor a Rossini one online. Would anyone happen to have either of these? For NOH, all I can seem to find is the solemn Salve. Thanks in advance.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    Check Corpus Christi Watershed site.
  • shawnk
    Posts: 57
    Thank you, kevinf and quilisma. I'm actually looking specifically for accompaniments from the Nova Organi Harmonia (NOH) and from Carlo Rossini. Although, I played through what quilisma provided, out of interest. ;)

    I did just manage to find a Rossini accompaniment in his book, The Parochial Hymnal, but would be interested if anyone has found another potentially different one in another source.

    As for NOH, I've checked CC Watershed's NOH page, as well as the NOH pdf files that I have, but have only been able to find the solemn Salve Regina (and not the simple one), thus far.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    I found this version in the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book, for what it's worth.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    And here's a dozen that Jeff Ostrowski found (or composed):

    Are the Bragers versions close in style to the NOH?
    Thanked by 1shawnk
  • madorganist
    Posts: 906
    Are the Bragers versions close in style to the NOH?
    Not at all. Ostrowski's own is probably the closest in style. I didn't examine each of them carefully, but I think versions 3-12 are all going to follow and reinforce the old Solesmes rhythm, with chord changes only on ictic notes. NOH usually favors the tonic accent/word stress. I have noticed discrepancies in the various Solesmes books in the use of bar lines and dots vs. horizontal episemata in this particular chant, so the organist might want to compare the accompaniment selected to whatever edition the choir or people will be singing from, although it wouldn't make a huge difference one way or the other. I believe the only monastic/secular variant in this chant is distropha vs. tristropha at the beginning of the last "O," and perhaps the bar line and lengthening mark discrepancies mentioned above. NOH doesn't appear to include any of the simple tone Marian antiphons. Can anyone fill us in on the history of the simple tone Salve?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Can anyone fill us in on the history of the simple tone Salve?

    I was going to do a search of my materials... But then thought I am sure this has been discussed on this forum. A quick search using the excellent search engine attached to the forum gives the following,
    Other discussions also mentioned the 'Simple Salve Regina' ...
  • shawnk
    Posts: 57
    Chonak, I'll enjoy looking through the accompaniments on the very timely CC Watershed post!

    [Thank you, St. Jeff, for hearing my supplication and letting these manuscripts trickle down to us: Ragueneau-mics at its finest!]

    Tomjaw, those historical discussions were an interesting read: no wonder I couldn't find the simple Salve in the NOH.

    Thank you, all!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw