Sarum Vespers for Candlemas Eve in Philadelphia: Feb 1
  • Dear music friends,

    I was grateful to have met many of you for the first time at the CMAA Colloquium of 2019. The event inspired me to undertake the great project described below. If you are in reasonable driving distance and would like to join as a volunteer singer, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you!


    Please join us in celebrating the end of the greater Christmas season with this once-in-a-lifetime event: solemn choral Vespers according to the medieval Use of Sarum--the regional form of the Latin Rite used in England before the Reformation. A choir of master singers from all around the region, under the direction of Peter Carter, will be assembling to render the sacred music of the psalms in Sarum chant, a collection of polyphonic works set by Thomas Tallis for Candlemas Eve, and a Magnificat written by Robert White during the brief restoration of the Sarum Use under Queen Mary I's reign.

    The liturgy will take place at St Patrick's Church, served by the Dominican Friars, in center city Philadelphia (242 S 20th St) on the Eve of Candlemas: Saturday, February 1 at 7pm. Event co-sponsored by the Collegium Institute for Catholic Thought & Culture. More details to come. Please direct all inquiries to James T.M. Griffin at

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  • I wish you well, and regret that I cannot attend or participate.
  • RMSawicki
    Posts: 127
    How I WISH I could be there for this. It looks to be glorious

    (Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha [bitter tears & gnashing of teeth]!!!)

    Gaudete in Domino Semper!
  • stulte
    Posts: 355
    I just got home from singing in the choir for this tonight and it was amazing! Thanks to everyone who took part in this and made this a successful event.