Rhythmic Proportions in Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Chant by Dr. Vollaerts scan/sale request
  • raph
    Posts: 9
    I'm a music student with focus on the gregorian chant, and I'm studying the mensuralistic approach more closely, however, I can't find a scanned copy of the aforementioned book, that may be the most important of all, not can I find it on sale.
    I was just wondering, if someone here owns that book, if you could sell me or scan it.
    It's an important document, and shouldn't be thrown into limbo.
  • Most of it is available on Google books.
  • raph
    Posts: 9
    Dominique Gatté made this available
    "Je mets à votre disposition ma copie numérique de cet ouvrage provenant de la bibliothèque de mon père !"
