Anglicanorum coetibus - Tenth Anniversary
  • Some guffawed and were certain that it would never happen. Others, after it happened, were certain that it would not last. Others thought (and some still think) that we are Protestants in disguise who have no business being in the Catholic Church. Well, they would think Catholic if they talked to any of our people for five minutes. The truth is that we are just too Catholic for many. And, after ten years we are growing by leaps and bounds - nearly 50 parishes in the US and Canada, with more in England and Australia. And, as I predicted back in the seventies to my erstwhile Anglo-Catholic friends (who were incredulous and poo-pooed the idea that it would ever happen), we are an entity in the Catholic Church and have our own bishop. Today, on what was another Sunday in 'Ordinary time' for most, we celebrated a Jubilee with a solemn pontifical mass of the Holy Spirit followed by a solemn Te Deum, then Solemn Evensong and a grand reception in the great hall of the Chancery. Our founding charter, Anglicanorum coetibus (Anglican groups) was promulgated by HF Benedict in 2009, making these 'Anglicanorum coetibus' an ordinariate. In addition to gratitude to HF Benedict, we also have a debt of gratitude to Cardinal Levada (may light perpetual now shine upon him) and to Cardinal di Nardo. The Most Rev'd. Stephen J. Lopes, our bishop, is a faithful father to us all, and a tireless father of his 'diocese', which is the entire US and Canada. We are grateful to Benedict XVI, and all who have furthered our cause and welcomed us into the Church which we love. (Walsingham actually pe-dates the Ordinariate! It was established nearly forty years ago (1982) under the "Pastoral Provision-Anglican Use' for ex-Anglicans by John Paul II.)

    Here are the day's observances -

    Solemn Pontifical Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit

    Organ Voluntary - on Veni creator Spirituss - - - Improvisation
    At the Procession - Hymn: 'Christ is Made the Sure Foundation' - - - Westminster Abbey

    The Introit - Spiritus Domini - - - Mode VIII (Palmer-Burgess)
    Kyrie - Mass for Five Voices - - - William Byrd
    Gloria - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan

    The Psalm - Psalm CVIII, Benedic, anima mea - - - Chant, William Turle
    Alleluya and Verse - Veni, Sancte Spiritus - - -Tone VI (AUG)

    The Nicene Creed - - - Recto Tono
    The Prayers of the Faithful - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Confirma hoc - - - Mode IV (P-B)
    Anthem - 'Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether" - - - Harold Friedel

    Sanctus - Mass for Five Voices - - - William Byrd
    Memorial Acclamation - 'O Saviour of the World' - - - Mode VIII
    The Our Father - - - Mode VII
    Agnus Dei - Mass for Five Voices - - - William Byrd

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Factus est repente - - - Mode VII (P-B)
    Anthem - Ecce quam bonum - - - Richard Proulx
    Hymn-Responsory - Magna opera Domini* - - - Richard J. Clark

    Te Deum - - - Chants, E.G. Monk and W. Croft

    Hymn - 'To Thee O Gracious Father'** - - - Thaxted
    Organ Voluntary - on Thaxted - - - Improvisation

    *This hymn quotes Bishop Lopes's motto, 'Great are the Works of the Lord', and was commissioned for his consecration as bishop.
    **This hymn was written by the Rev'd. Christopher B. Phillips, former pastor of Our Lady of the Atonement, San Antionio.

    Solemn Choral Evensong -

    Organ Voluntary - Psalm Prelude No. 1, Op. 32 - - - Herbert Holwells
    At the Procession - Organ Voluntary - - - Improvisatioon

    Introit - 'Behold, How Good and Joyful' - - - Stanley Vann

    The Preces - - - Thomas Tallis
    The Office Hymn - Veni Creator Spiritus - - - Sarum Plainsong, Mode VIII
    The Psalter - Psalm CXVIII,I-III. Chants, Sir Edward Elgar, Cambridge Chant, G.T.S. Talbot

    Magnificat - - - William Byrd
    Nunc dimittis - - - William Byrd

    The Suffrages - - - Thomas Tallis
    The Our Father - - - Robert Stone

    The Anthem - 'The Spirit of the Lord', from The Apostles - - - Sir Edward Elgar

    The Marian Anthem - Salve, Regina - - - Peter Philips

    Hymn - 'The Day Thou Gavest' - - - St. Clement

    Organ Voluntary - on 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past' - - - Sir C.H.H. Parry

    Reception - Chancery, Great Hall

  • Perhaps next year at this time "O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be" - William Harris?
  • Ken -
    O quanta qualia happens to be my favourite All Saints' hymn. I grumbled (with tongue slightly in cheek) to our choirmaster that we didn't sing it at our All Saints high mass. Perhaps next year indeed!
    Thanked by 1RMSawicki
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    The Fridell is an old friend
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • MJO - Do you know the anthem by Harris? It's quite a challenge.
  • stulte
    Posts: 355
    Congratulations to everyone in the Ordinariates on this blessed occasion!
    Thanked by 2RMSawicki Blaise
  • Ken -
    I don't believe that I do, but would love to see it.
    Perhaps I'll order a copy.
  • It can be heard on youtube sung by several good choirs like the choir of St. Clements in Philly.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Our Lady of the Atonement in San Antonio celebrated the tenth anniversary of Anglicanorum coetibus and the Feast of St. Cecilia with a Solemn Evensong tonight. The Sonoro chamber choir, along with the San Antonio Recorder Quartet, performed.

    Prelude: Fantasy for Viols, No. X (Purcell)
    Introit: Your voices tune (Handel)
    Preces and Responses (Tallis)
    Hymn: O gracious light (Schramm)
    Psalm: 35, Judica, Domine (Barnby)
    Lessons: Proverbs 27:1-22, 1 John 5
    Canticles: Collegium Regale Service (Howells)
    Apostles’ Creed and Lord's Prayer chanted recto tono
    Interlude: Almighty and everlasting God (Gibbons)

    Anthems: Festival Te Deum, op. 32 (Britten)
    A Hymn for St. Cecelia (Howells)
    Postlude: Maestoso (Ives)
  • Glorious! Glorious! Glorious!

    Gaudete in Domino Semper!
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    I am a little bit late to this conversation, but Happy Tenth Anniversary of Anglicanorum Coetibus to my fellow members, parishioners, and allies of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, and all of them. More on this later, as I am about to have family lunch.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Having just taken up an organ spot at an Ordinariate parish, I shall wish happy tenth anniversary to you all as well. The first few weeks there have been so refreshing to my soul!
  • Congratulations!
    Which parish is it?
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    I think is may be a tribute to the endurance of the rich Anglican tradition that one of the the largest Ordinariate congregations - including the Cathedral ends up in the middle of flatland Texas!
  • Greg -
    It is, indeed, curious that your 'flatlands of Texas' have been host to the nascent Ordinariate. Texas (except for the diocese of Fort Worth) has long had a reputation for being the lowest of the low when it comes to liturgy. One might have thought that a more thoroughly Anglo-Catholic diocese, such as Fond-du-lac, would have been the breeding ground for those who would cross the Tiber. But no, it was low church Texas.
  • I'm going back to visit my old Anglo-Catholic parish (St. James, Cleveland) on Christmas Eve. I had long thought that going Ordinariate was their only hope of survival. But the Fr. Treco affair has made it hard for me to advocate for that position.
  • Who is Fr Treco, and what was this affair that gives you qualms about the Ordinariate?
  • pfreese
    Posts: 147
    Fr. Treco was the pastor of St. Bede Ordinariate Parish in St. Louis Park, MN (they were hosted by my territorial Roman Rite parish). Earlier this year he began making disparaging remarks towards the Holy Father and his own church leadership during his homilies (and posted them to the internet). One way or another Bishop Lopes caught wind of this and asked him to recant/tone it down. Fr. Treco refused and was dismissed from active ministry and the parish has since been suspended lacking a permanent pastor. Not a good situation but the nascent Ordinariate doesn’t need these controversies to tarnish its reputation. I know some of the people that were affected by this and they’re obviously upset that everything panned out like this, but they’re hopeful that they can eventually “reactivate” the parish and get a resident pastor again.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    When it comes to Pope Francis, I think what would St. Nicholas do?
    Anyway who doesn't make disparaging remarks about Pope Francis?
  • Bravo for Bishop Lopes. I wouldn't let that (surprising as it is!) scare me off from the Ordinariate. Such attitudes and speech are a commonplace amongst purely Roman rite people and clergy - and, unlike in the Ordinariate, they go undisciplined. Just remember how HF Benedict was excoriated and mocked by scads of folk, high and low, in and out of clerical orders. On the other hand, those who championed Benedict excoriate Francis without fear of discipline.
  • Fr. Treco wasn't just dismissed. He was excommunicated under a delict of schism.