Advent Eucharist hymn
  • Danny
    Posts: 2
    OK, I know this has been discussed before, but I think my situation is more unique. I sing at the Lourdes Grotto & Guadalupe Tepeyac in San Antonio, Texas. All masses, including the English mass, have a traditional Hispanic flavor, including a more conservative view of music from a priest who I would consider a traditionalist. We use the Gather Comprehensive hymnal. There are many great communion hymns in there, but the priest has asked for a communion hymn that is advent-oriented and familiar. Can anyone help me out here? I know that some people have suggested what could be considered a non-communion hymn that speaks of Advent, but I don't think that will fly with the pastor. Must be Gather. Must be familiar. Assistance will be greatly appreciated.
  • Would Let All Mortal Flesh work?
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,141
    If you remember the context, the Magnificat is always a suitable canticle when the Communion propers are not being used (a canticle of witness, praise and gratitude after receiving the Lord; it's a category error to consider it solely as a Marian text), most especially in Advent/Christmastide. I don't know what settings of the text or paraphrases thereof would be familiar to your community from that hymnal, however.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    I agree that Let All Mortal Flesh and the Magnificat are your best bets. If we're talking about English, I'm pretty sure the David Haas "Holy Is Your Name" paraphrase to WILD MOUNTAIN THYME is in Gather Comprehensive.
  • fcbfcb
    Posts: 340
    I would definitely put in a vote for LAMFKS--the text "Christ our God to earth descends" nicely links the incarnation and the Eucharist.
    Thanked by 2Liam CharlesW
  • I am a fan of some of the eventide hymns during Advent at communion: Abide With Me, O Radiant Light. There's also Come Down O Love Divine, and some settings of the Canticle of Zechariah that are ok.
  • Surely Come down, O Love Divine is in Ascensiontide?
  • You are right, it is more proper to Ascensiontide. I was just trying to think outside the box. Our home hymnal is Glory & Praise, so we have to get pretty creative to come up with good options Sunday to Sunday.
  • Maybe Christ, Be Our Light? A bit of a stretch but the third verse references the Eucharist and the song itself seems appropriate.

    Note: it's in the red one but not the green one.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    There is a set of Advent Communion Propers by Richard Clark.

    "This Advent Moon Shines Cold and Clear," by Charles Giffen which can be used for multiple purposes.

    "Child of Promise," by Mark Bauman.

    Advent Antiphons by Richard Rice.

    Lots of good stuff out there and free, for the most part.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen cesarfranck
  • I would add the antiphons by James Biery and Russell Weismann to that group Charles. Why can't the publishers include those in their hymnals???
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Publishers are a strange breed. I don't pretend to understand them although I think money chiefly motivates them.
  • Danny
    Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone. I have recommended Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, as many of you recommended. It is familiar, appropriate, and in the Gather hymnal.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,341
    If you need or want the same piece (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, PICARDY) in Spanish, check out GIA's Oramos Cantando hymnal, which has it translated into Spanish.
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
  • Now in this banquet. They know it from OT and it has an advent refrain option. The verses contain imagery of darkness/light and healing/saving, so it really fits the early advent well.

    We have Gather 3 but the hymns are also in GC. This is what I have planned for Advent communion hymns

    A1: Now in this Banquet
    A2: Wait for the Lord (Taize)
    A3: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
    A4: We are singing a hymn outside of Gather, but you could repeat O COme, O Come, Emmanuel
  • Polska,

    That's an awfully long first line for the 4th Sunday of Advent's hymn. Is it a trope you're introducing?