Seeking a free-lance writer who has an interest in organs and Catholic music.
  • Part-time involves writing and submitting news releases to Catholic media and also postings on Social Media.

  • Having a person to do this has been a longterm dream, especially with the possibility of making this resource available to others here who compose, write and publish.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,342
    Have you reached out to @Adam Wood?
  • Adam's still on the list, isn't he? Great creative hardworking guy!
  • Hi Noel, I am interested in learning more and have messaged you via facebook messenger. Do you use it? Or is there an email I can reach you on? I live and work in the UK but I am in America a few times a year too. Richard
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,798
    @richardUK as above?
  • Have emailed, no response.
  • I might be interested - I'm on 'sabbatical' here in Munich after a long career in Boston - moved here for my wife's job (she's Deutsch) - I'm currently subbing at various chruches here - my email is
  • I suggest posting on UpWork to solicit a wide pool of applicants:

    I've found a lot of quality freelancers on there in the past.