name: Te Deum;
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You(e) are(gh) God:(h) (,) we(hg) praise(hiwj) you;(i_h) (;) you(h) are(h) the(h) Lord:(g) (,) we(h) ac(i)claim(h_) you.(g_) (::) You(j) are(j) the(j) e(j)ter(j)nal(i) Fa(hi)ther:(h) (;) all(h) cre-(h)a(h)tion(g) wor-(h)ships(i) you.(h_g) (::)
To(j) you(j) all(i) an(hi)gels,(h) the(g) pow'rs(h) of(i) heav(h_)en,(g_) (::) Che-(j)ru-(j)bim(j) and(i) se-(hi)ra-(h)phim,(h) (;) sing(h) in(g) end(h)less(i) praise:(h_g) (::) Ho-(g_h!iwj)ly,(i_h) (::) Ho-(g_h!iwj)ly,(i_h) (::) Ho-(he!gh)ly(h) (,) Lord,(h) God(g) of(h) pow'r(i) and(h) might,(g) (;) heav(j)en(j) and(i) earth(hi) are(h) full(hg) of(h) your(i) glo(h_)ry.(g_) (::)
The(j) glo(j)rious(i) com(hi)pa(h)ny(h) of(g) a(h)post(h)les(i) praise(h_) you.(g_) (::) The(j) no(j)ble(i) fel(hi)low(h)ship(h) of(g) pro(h)phets(i) praise(h_) you.(g_) (::) The(j) white-(j)robed(i) ar(hi)my(h) of(g) mar(h)tyrs(i) praise(h_) you.(g_) (::) Through(j)out(j) the(i) world(hi) the(h) ho(h)ly(g) Church(h) ac(i)claims(h_) you:(g_) (::) Fa(g_h!iwj)ther,(i_h) (;) of(h) ma(h)jes(g)ty(h) un(i)bound(h_)ed,(g_) (::) Your(j) true(j) and(j) on(j)ly(i) Son,(hih) (;) wor(h)thy(g) of(h) all(i) wor(h_)ship,(g_) (::) And(h) the(h) Ho(g)ly(h) Spir(i)it,(h) (;) ad(g)vo(h)cate(i) and(h) guide.(g) (::)
You,(gh) Christ,(h) are(h) the(g) king(h) of(i) glo(g_)ry,(e_) (::) the(h) e(h)ter(i)nal(h) Son(g) of(h) the(i) Fa(g_)ther.(e_) (::) When(gj) you(j) be(j)came(j) man(i) to(h) set(ij) us(i) free(h) (;) you(h) did(h) not(g) spurn(h) the(i) Vir(g)gin's(g) womb.(e) (::) You(gj) ov(j)er(j)came(i) the(h) sting(ij) of(i) death,(h) (;) and(h) op(h)ened(h) the(h) king(h)dom(h) of(h) heav(i)en(h) to(g) all(h) be(i)liev(g_)ers.(e_) (::) You(gj) are(j) seat(j)ed(i) at(h) God's(ij) right(i) hand(h_) (;) in(i) glo(g_)ry.(e_) (::)
We(h) be(h)lieve(h) that(h) you(i) will(h) come(h) (;) and(h) be(i)
our(g) judge.(e_) (::) Come,(gj) then,(j) Lord,(j) and(j) help(i) your(h) peo(iji)ple,(h) (;) bought(h) with(i) the(h) price(g) of(h) your(i) own(g_) blood,(e_) (::)
And(fe) bring(df) us(evDC) (;) with(c) your(e) saints(f) to(g) glo(g_)ry(g_) (,)
ev(h)er(f)last(gvFE)ing.(e) (::) Save(c) your(df) peo(f)ple,(d) O(f) Lord,(evDC) (;) and(c) bless(df) your(fe) in(df)her(gh)i(gvFE)tance.(e) (::)
Gov(f)ern(e) and(d) up(f)hold(ed) them(c) (;) now(gh) and(f) al(gvFE)ways.(e) (::)
Day(h) by(h) day(h) we(g) bless(ij) you.(i_h) (::)
We(h) praise(h) your(g) name(h) for(i) ev(g_)er.(e_) (::) Keep(h) us(h) to(g)day,(ij) Lord,(i_h) (;) from(gh) all(ig) sin.(e) (::)
Have(h) mer(h)cy(h) on(h) us,(g) O(ij) Lord,(i_h) (;) have(i) mer(g_)cy.(e_) (::) Lord,(h) show(h) us(h) your(h) love(h) and(g) mer(iji)cy;(h) (;) for(h) we(h) put(g) our(h) trust(i) in(g) you.(e) (::) In(c) you,(df) Lord,(fvED) is(f) our(gh) hope:(gf/gf/e_d) (;)
and(cd) we(fe) shall(dc) nev(fg)er(h) hope(gf) in(gvFE) vain.(e)
"Lord God of power and might" has been changed
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