Resource needed: Resp. psalm settings for Friday school masses?
  • Stella611
    Posts: 112
    I've offered to help teach music to students at my children's private school, for their weekly Friday mass.
    I am wondering if there is an actual book(s) of simple chant-like settings for the weekday responsorial psalms of the novus ordo cycles of daily mass readings??
    This would be a great help! I haven't had to do much with Novus ordo masses in a long time, and in particular haven't really seen resources of resp. psalms for DAILY masses, so anyone who knows where to find some sources would be great!
  • The Ampleforth Gradual has daily responsorial psalms for the entire 3-year NO cycle, in chant. You have to add the verses yourself, but they tell you which mode to use, so it shouldn't be a problem.

    It's a really great resource, though a bit of pain to get over from England. Someone should import them to make them easier to buy.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,497
    I have never seen such a resource for masses of the weekday cycle. You would expect it to be wanted by some religious houses, if not in parishes.
    If I understand the rubrics correctly, it is allowable for the congregation/school to chant the psalm in directum, in the way psalms are done in the Liturgy of the Hours. That would simplify things considerably, as there are plenty of suggestions for easy psalm tones.
    Ordo lectionum missae. Praenotanda. XX 20
    Psalmus responsorius de more cantu proferatur. Duo autem modi cantandi psalmum post primam lectionem recensendi sunt: modus reponsorialis et modus directus.
    Modo resposoriali, qui, ... Modo directo psalmus canitur sine responso a communitate interposito, aut a solo psalmista seu cantore psalmi, congregatione tantum auscultante, aut ab omnibus simul.
  • Stella,

    If I still have it (i.e., if I haven't consigned it to a recycling box or a pyre along the way) I have all of the psalm settings I wrote 9 years ago when I was left in charge of music for a school Mass during the week, all year long.

    Would you like me to brave the vortex (or the black hole) where I think these pages are, in hard copy, so you can decide if you're interested?
  • Stella611
    Posts: 112
    I should've searched the discussion archives first! A couple things that look like they'll work most of the time:
    and the seasonal psalms by chabanel psalms for the Sept-Nov months:

    If anyone knows any other good resources besides these, let me know!
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 648
    You can always just set the psalm to a Meinrad tone. It's easily accomplished, and also easy to sing!
    Thanked by 1petrus_simplex
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,490
    I have written simple antiphons with verses set with simple psalm tones for the entire two year weekday cycle. Im happy to send you some samples if you like