Trinity Sunday @ my Parish
  • N.B.: All hymn numbers are taken from the St. Michael Hymnal. The Introit and Communion Antiphons are those which are found in Fr. Samuel Weber’s Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Solemnities: Chants for the Roman Missal in English, which my local Parish adopted soon after its release.

    Fathers’ Day [USA]
    June 16, 2019
    10:30 am Solemn Mass w/ Choir

    #201 All hail adored Trinity (OLD HUNDREDTH) (SATB #414)

    INTROIT: Proper, p. 734 #1729 Benedictus sit Deus Pater cf. Tobit 12:6
    Blessed be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for He has shown us His merciful Love.

    KYRIE: from Missa Jubilate Deo (O. Lassus)

    GLORIA: from Mass of the Divine Shepherd (J. Revie)

    The heavens are telling (from Creation, pt. I, J. Haydn)

    SANCTUS: from Mass of the Holy Trinity (J. Tuuk)

    English Form A – Mortem tuam from Community Mass (R. Proulx)

    GREAT AMEN: from Mass of the Holy Trinity (J. Tuuk)

    AGNUS DEI: from Missa Jubilate Deo (O. Lassus)

    Antiphon: Proper, p. 742 #1747 Quoniam autem estis filii Galatians 4:6
    Since you are children of God, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of His son, the Spirit Who cries out: Abba, Father.

    Hymn: #352 Humbly we adore Thee (SATB #570)

    Meditation [quartet]: O lux beata Trinitas (T.L. de Victoria)

    RECESSIONAL: #524 Sing praise to our Creator (GOTT VATER! SEI GEPRIESEN) (SATB #750)

  • EF at Sacred Heart, Cincinnati

    • Eternal Father, Strong to Save
    • Organ processional
    • Asperges (Std. tone)

    • Full Propers
    • Saint Anthony of Padua Mass (Wilkens - 2 part men)
    • Offertory: Gloria Patri (Palestrina)
    • Comm 1: Ave Verum (Chant)
    • Comm 2: Tota Pulchra Es (Balthazar-Florence - 2 part women)
    • Comm 3: Cor Iesu Trinitatis (Anon)
    • Comm 4: Quid Retribuam (Ravanello)
    • Comm 5: O Sacrum Cor Iesu (Schweitzer)

    • O Praise Ye the Lord
    • Organ postlude

    Following Mass, the choir is hosting a St. Anthony of Padua Bread bake sale - all proceeds will be donated to a local soup kitchen as an alms by the choir in appreciation for the privilege of - and graces received from - singing the Mass throughout the year. All breads baked by members of choir / family - breads from around the world.

    • Amish pretzels
    • Batard bread (French sandwich bread)
    • Blueberry muffins
    • Boston bread (steam baked in a coffee can - made with molasses, and several kinds of flour. Served with cream-cheese. Yum!)
    • Buttermilk quickbread
    • Challah bread (Jewish braided egg-bread)
    • Chocolate bread (wow!)
    • Cornbread
    • Cranberry-orange scones (baked by a Briton!)
    • Croissants
    • French bread (so good...)
    • French baguette bread
    • Gluten-free bread
    • Irish Potato bread (incredible!)
    • Italian sweet bread
    • Korean sausage bread (so curious!)
    • Multigrain peasant bread
    • Sicilian bread
    • Sourdough bread
    • Swedish braided bread
    • White bread
    • Other miscellaneous items
  • Bobby Bolin
    Posts: 418
    I wish Tuuk would revise Mass of the Holy Trinity. I did my best but I'd like it to be official.
  • cesarfranck
    Posts: 158
    Prelude: "Rhosymedre" - R. Vaughan Williams
    "Prelude on an Introit" (from Quatre Pieces) - Dom Paul Benoit
    Introit: Canticle: "Benedictus, es" (in English) -- metrical version to tune of Cleansing Fountain
    Hymns: "Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty" - Niacea, with David McK. Williams descant
    "Thy strong Word dids't cleave the darkness" -Ton Y Botel
    "Our Father by whose Name" - Rhosymedre
    "Faith of Our Fathers" - St Catherine
    Anthem: "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" - Tom Fettke

    Normally, would do more challenging music for Trinity Sunday. However, the summer vibe is upon us and I am simply happy to have a choir that sings on summer Sundays because I set that expectation in 1988. We only rehearse for forty-five minutes on Sundays with no week night rehearsal.
  • davido
    Posts: 921
    Come Thou almighty King
    Holy Holy Holy
    Come my way my truth my life
    O God Almighty Father

    Mass of St Frances Cabrini
    Psalm, Ignatius Pew Missal
    Alleluia, Gregorian mode VI
    Propers, Proper of the Mass, Weber

    Prelude, Inprov on ST PATRICK/DIEDRE/GARTEN
    Postlude, NICEA
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Well... I think I will post the music we sang today,

    Ember Saturday 10.30am Mass (E.F) All Propers sung in full form the Graduale Romanum 1924, Prophecies sung by the priest.
    INT. Caritas Dei
    KYR. Mass I
    ALL. Spiritus est
    ALL. Spiritus ejus
    ALL. Dum compleretur
    ALL. Veni Sancte Spiritus
    ALL. Benedictus es
    GLO. Mass I
    TRACT. Laudate Dominum.
    SEQ. Veni Sancte Spiritus (without Alleluia at the end)
    CREDO. I
    OFF. Domine Deus
    OFF motet. Impelta gaudent viscera (Sarum Office Hymn)
    SANC. Mass I
    AGN. Mass I
    COM. Spiritus ubi
    COM motet. Alma chorus Domine (Sarum Sequence, Feria Quinta post Pentecostes)
    Marian Anthem. Regina Caeli, solemn tone

    Will post tomorrows music tomorrow.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Prelude: O lux beata trinitas -- Sweelinck
    Introit Hymn: May God the Father blessed be (DUKE STREET) -- Kathy Pluth
    Kyrie & Gloria: Mass VIII
    Psalm: Ignatius Pew Missal
    Alleluia: Healey Willan
    Offertory: Blessed be God the Father -- Fr. Weber
    Hymn: Nie opuszczaj nas
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Acclamation: Save us... -- ICEL chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass of St. Teresa -- Willan
    Communion: Since you are children of God (w/o verses) -- Fr. Weber
    Anthem: O Thou, Immortal, Holy Light -- Thos. Tallis
    Hymn: Jezusa ukrytego
    Organ interlude: Improvisation
    Meditation Hymn: God Father, praise and glory (GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN)
    Recessional: Parish Antiphon: Maryjo Krolowo Polski
    Postlude: Praeludium (Prelude, Fugue, & Chaconne) in C -- Buxtehude
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 432
    Prelude: Trio No. 1 in G Minor (Rheinberger)
    Entrance: Weber proper + "O God, Almighty Father"
    Kyrie: Litany of the Saints
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations
    Psalm 8: Batastini
    Alleluia: Celtic
    Offertory: "Laudate Dominum" from Mozart's Solemn Vespers at choir Mass; "Holy, Holy, Holy" at others
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen: Mass of Wisdom
    Agnus Dei: Holy Cross Mass
    Communion: Weber proper + "Lord, Who At Thy First Eucharist"
    Recessional: "May the Grace of Christ Our Savior"
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Trinity Sunday,

    11am Mass (E.F.) , all Propers sung in full from the Graduale Romanum 1924.
    Asperges. Normal mode 7 version
    INT. Benedicta sit
    KYR. Mass II
    GLO. Mass II
    GRAD. Benedictus es.
    ALL. Benedictus es.
    CREDO. I
    OFF. Benedictus sit
    Off. Adesto Sancta Trinitas (former Vespers Hymn)
    SANC. Mass II
    AGN. Mass II
    COM. Benedicimus Deum
    COM. PROFITENTES UNITATEM (former Sequence)
    Domine Salvum fac, (Benedictine version)
    Marian Anthem. Salve Regina, (Solemn tone)

    Vespers Hymn and sequence can be found here,
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham
    Solemn High Mass

    (All three readings sung.)

    Organ Voluntary - Praeludium on St Patrick's Breastplate - - - Improvisation

    At the Procession - Quicumgue vult - - - Recto tono (Rector & People alternating Vv.)
    The Introit - Benedicta sit - - - Tone VII (Anglican Use Gradual)
    Kyrie - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan
    Gloria - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan

    The Psalm - Domine Dominus Noster (Ps. VIII) - - - Chant, Sir Joseph Barnby
    Alleluya and Verse - Benedictus es - - - after Palestrina

    The Nicene Creed - - - Recto tono
    The Prayers of the People - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Benedictus sit - - - Tone II (AUG)
    The Anthem - Te Deum in B-flat - - - Sir Charles Villiers Stanford

    Sanctus - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan

    The Our Father - - - Mode VII
    Agnus Dei - - - Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena - - - Healey Willan

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Benedicimus Deum - - - Tone I (AUG)
    The Trisagion -
    The Anthem - Duo Seraphim - - - Richard Dering
    The Hymn - 'I Bind Unto Myself This Day' - - - St Patrick's Breastplate and Dierdre

    At the Dismissal - Hymn: "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name' - - - Grosser Gott
    Organ Voluntary - Toccata on the Te Deum - - - Improvisation

  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,501
    I invited my homeschool "choir" to come and sing at our 10:00 a.m. Mass. The kids sang this lovely hymn called "O Blessed Trinity" by Faber which I found in the Catholic Choirbook. The fathers of the children sang the Gregorian proper for Offertory and did very well!
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 546
    St. Mary, Auburn, NY


    Organ: Prelude & Fugue in E-flat, BWV 552
    Introit, Offertory, Communion: proper chants from GR1974; Year C option for introit.
    Offertory 2: Hymn to the Trinity, Tchaikovsky (Cherubikon from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom)
    Communion 2: Stanford, Te Deum in B-flat, op. 10
    Hymns: Holy, Holy, Holy; Sing praise to our Creator
    Ordinary: ICEL, with sung English’d Creed I

    The first Mass of a new priest (ex-organist), who chanted all his dialogues and the Preface flawlessly and musically.

    A very joyful day.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Ended up not doing the Buxtehude--couldn't find my book (the loft is still undergoing renovation from our organ installation this spring, and so things are in boxes and piles in the undercroft)--so I did an improvised postlude which ended up turning into a choralpreludium on ST ANNE.
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,927
    Trinity Sunday
    St. Joseph's Greenwood

    PROCESSIONAL: All Hail, Adored Trinity
    OFFERTORY: Schubert, Salve Regina
    -Jam Sol Recedit (chant)
    -Martini, Adoramus Te
    -Portuguese Merry-Go-Round, Ecce Panis Angelorum
    RECESSIONAL: O God, Almighty Father

    Yet another exciting chapter in "The Unpredictability of Pastors". As I was sitting in the pew before mass reading the divine office, Father emerged unexpectedly from the confessional, approached me, and said "You sing in the choir, yes? Come with me." As he was looking rather disheveled I felt best to oblige. In the vestibule he apologized, saying 'I was the closest victim', then said that today's mass would be Low, with Introit and Communion. No explanation for these maimed rites - perhaps he had a meeting at the home priory, and was in a hurry - but at any rate we ended up singing roughly the same amount of music as usual, mass lasted the same duration as usual, and Father seemed dazed and confused throughout all of this. (His sermon, usually full of non sequiturs, was today a masterpiece of incoherence. The poor fellow even had to stop halfway through when he realized he still had his maniple on.) But we did some great music, and we got to practice more afterwards. Including Biebl. Booyah.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    St. Sebastian, Akron
    Hymn: Holy God, we praise Thy name
    Mass in honor of St. John Cantius, Op. 38 (Walkiewicz), Credo 4
    Gregorian Propers
    Offertory: Cor Jesus Trinitatis (hymn)
    Communion: O sacrum convivium (Ravenello/Rossini)

    We have a former very good member in town visiting, but were otherwise shorthanded...3 women, Mike and I. Schola doesn't know all the Walkiewicz yet, but Mike did, so we were doing to do the Kyrie and Sanctus/Benedictus tutti, and Mike and I were going to do the Gloria and Agnus. We didn't have a chance to run it beforehand (just the tutti movements), but we'd done it a month beforehand, and Mike is good. I may have had Schola read the Agnus once, but it would have been months ago.

    So everything is going well, Mike comes down front, I'm looking at him (NOT at the ladies, and not conducting), the organist starts the Agnus...and the women come in with me. "Oh no...I can't stop them because it will sound bad...maybe they'll remember and not make the 2nd entrance, which will STILL sound bad, but not as bad...nope, they're in...ascending m6 to Eb coming, deploy air bags...whew, they made you mean to tell me they're sight-reading this? Am I Living the Life?" Yes, my schola, which Doesn't Read Music, sight-read a Mass movement at Mass. There were 1 or 2 dodgy intervals, but tbh they've done worse when we've rehearsed.I was dumbfounded. And relieved. And determined that it not happen again. :-)

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    His sermon ... was today a masterpiece of incoherence.

    Well, that's normal for Trinity Sunday just about anywhere.
  • ...just about anywhere.
    Except at Walsingham - and, I should think, a few other places.
    Actually, the homily at Walsingham yesterday, given by the rector, was a breath of fresh air. I was in awe at the mass which really was all about the Most Holy Trinity, the God-head, God himself. There should be more Sundays like this, devoted to God as God in all his plenitude.

    (Trinity Sunday, as a universal solemnity, actually started in England. It was Becket, who was consecrated on the spottily observed feast of the Trinity, who decreed that it should be universal in the English Church. From there it spread to the continent and, a few popes later was declared a universal observance. Also, Sundays are historically counted after Trinity in England, as opposed to after Pentecost on the continent.)
  • Collégiale Saint-André
    Grenoble (France)

    16 juin – Fête de la Sainte-Trinité
    Asperges Femmes
    Introït 'Benedicta sit' - Femmes
    Kyrie IV - Femmes
    Gloria IV - Femmes
    Graduel 'Benedictus es' - faux-bourdon de Perruchot (XVIIIth cent.)
    Alleluia 'Benedictus es' - Hommes
    Credo III - Hommes
    Offertoire Psalmodie - hommes
    Sanctus IV - hommes
    Elevation Organ
    Agnus IV - femmes
    Communion : Alta beata trinita (anonymous italian XVth)
    'Benedicimus Deum coeli' - Femmes
    Laudes (au nom du Père et du Fils)
    Sortie : Dieu nous voulons chanter Ton Nom (Goudimel - XVIth)
    Organ (Bach)
  • St. Francis de Sales Oratory, St. Louis, MO

    Introit, Gradual, Alleluia: Gregorian
    Offertory: Benedictus sit Deus Pater (à 5), Palestrina
    Communion: Benedicimus Deum coeli, Samuel Webbe

    Missa Sanctissimae Trinitas, Op 117, Rheinberger