Article in Homiletic and Pastoral Review
  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255

    I found this article very understanding of where I stand. My take away is the importance of music being GOOD. I know I could improve my accompanying skills and certainly my choral conducting. I am taking organ lessons, albeit not making practicing a priority. Can we talk practical ways to improve our skills? National conventions and learning opportunities are good and I hope come into the discussion, but those are impractical in this season of motherhood for me.

    What do you do to continue to develop your musical abilities?
    In addition when do you find the time? I play 4 weekend masses, inherited 5 music groups, plan the music, play about 40 weddings and funerals combined a year. I truly am beginning to feel like a robot instead of a musician, but that is another thread.
  • mmeladirectress
    Posts: 1,082
    could you possibly take a DM "vacation" and attend the CMAA Colloquium in Philly, July 1-6?
    You will have six days of opportunities to compare notes with your counterparts from all over - not to mention the workshops, the panel discussions, the music (which is amazing)
  • RCS333
    Posts: 43
    Maybe you could carve out consistent time to work towards an artistic goal that doesn’t directly relate to your church position? Learning a piece you have always admired but never learned, composing something, deepening your understanding of theory, etc. whatever seems worthwhile to your artistic sensibility. And hey sounds like your schedule is packed, but if it’s 5 minutes a day on that goal then that’s what it is. I think that would increase your sense of being a musician instead of a robot and would improve your skill and at the end of it you would have accomplished something pretty cool :)
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix