Easter Sunday: What did you do/hear?
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 282
    I’m interested to know what you guys did this year.

    We did...

    Processional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)
    Psalm: This the Day (Soper)
    Sequence: “Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today (VICTIMAE PASCHALI)
    GA: Festival Alleluia (Chepponis)
    Prep: Alleluia! Alleluia! (ODE TO JOY)
    Comm: One Love Released (Kendzia)
    Worthy is the Lamb (Manalo)
    Recessional: Christ is Risen (J. Cummings)

    Mass parts were from Fr. J. Chepponis’ Jubilation Mass.
  • KARU27
    Posts: 184
    I got to play viola at a heavenly OF Mass with a young traditional priest. Incense, sprinkling (not the dip-your-hand-in-holy-water-procession), chant, chanted sequence, and the usual suspects as hymns. Thanks be to God for these wonderful priests!
  • rjlynch210
    Posts: 23
    2 Trumpets, Timpani, Organ, Choir at the 10:30 Liturgy here... We did the following:

    Prelude: Regina Coeli - Aichinger - arr. Osborne - Brass/Organ
    Procession: Jesus Christ is Risen Today - arr Ferguson
    Gloria: New Mass for Congregations - Andrews - arr Biery
    Ps 118 arr Wm Glenn Osborne
    Easter Sequence - arr Biery
    Gospel Acclamation: O filii et filiae - arr Page
    Sprinkling: I Saw Water - Leo Nestor
    Offertory: Christ the Lord is Risen Today - Llanfair
    Community Mass - Proulx
    Communion: Thanks to you, O Christ Victorious - https://www.morningstarmusic.com/thanks-to-you-o-christ-victorious.html
    Hymn: O Sons and Daughters
    Recessional: Alleluia Hearts to Heaven - Hymn to Joy - arr Ferguson
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Entrance: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Psalm: This Is the Day - I have thrown it out so I don't remember who composed it.
    Offertory: All the Earth Rejoice with A Gladsome Voice - Vivaldi
    Mass Ordinary: ICEL Chant
    Propers: Rice
    Communion: Sing With All The Saints In Glory - Ode to Joy
    Recessional: The Strife Is O'er
    Postlude: Dialogue (Ier Livre) Marchand

    We also did the traditional Easter sequence.
  • trentonjconn
    Posts: 609
    Mass: Mass VIII
    Prelude: Air on the G String, Bach (arr. organ)
    Processional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, followed by Graduale Parvum Latin introit
    Gradual: Haec Dies, GR
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes, GR
    GA: Ye Sons and Daughters Alleluia w/ Latin verse
    Sprinkling Rite (renewal replaced Creed): Vidi Aquam
    Offertory: Terra Tremuit (Graduale Simplex)
    Offertory other: ST-arranged Englishized Hassler motet "This is the Day", Couperin "Et in terra Pax" from Mass for the Parishes
    Communion: Pascha Nostrum, GR
    Communion other: Palestrina "Jesu Rex Admirabilis" alternatem with chant verses, BWV 641
    Recessional: The Strife Is O'er
    Postlude: BWV 625
  • tandrews
    Posts: 173
    9:30 AM's Bishop's Mass with choir:

    Prelude: Organ improvisation on Victimae Paschali Laudes
    Processional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today, 2 trumpet descant for last verse.
    Mass setting: Frances Cabrini
    Psalm: This is the Day... (Guimont)
    Sequence: Chanted by handmaids
    Offertory: Rejoice, Rejoice, This Glad Easter Day (Robert Leaf, 3 trumpets!)
    Communion antiphon: SEP
    Communion: Hillert's Festival Canticle with 3 trumpets (Tpt. 3 becomes Trb. 1)
    Recessional: The Strife is O'er with trumpet descants
    Postlude: Finale from Symphony 1 (Vierne)

  • CharlesSA
    Posts: 163
    We did:

    (Traditional Latin Mass)
    Processional: Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    Mass Ordinary: I and a family who I have been teaching chant sang Mass I's Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei together; I sang Gloria III and Credo V by myself
    Mass Propers: I sang full Gregorian propers myself, except the family joined me for the Sequence
    After Offertory chant: we sang 5 verses of Regina Caeli Jubila - with the family on melody and I singing some harmony.
    Recessional: Regina Caeli - simple chant version - followed directly by The Strife is O'er.
    I played a short postlude on the organ - it was a prelude (for keyboard) by Bach.
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • TCJ
    Posts: 985
    Mass VIII
    Prelude: Rhapsody (Saint-Saens)
    Processional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Psalm/Acclamation: Weber Chants from IPM
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes
    Sprinkling: I Saw Water (chant)
    Offertory: This Joyful Eastertide/Antiphon from Fr. Samuel Weber
    Communion: Antiphon (Weber)/Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor/At the Lamb's High Feast
    Recessional: Regina Caeli (chant)/Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing
    Postlude: Festival Prelude (I know... Peeters)/Carillon (forgot the composer)
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 700
    Prelude - Easter Carol (Proulx)
    Entrance - Jesus Christ Is Risen Today #540 Gather
    Chant - Introit Easter Sunday Psalm 139 (I am risen...)
    Respon. Psalm - Easter Day (Proulx)
    Gospel - Celtic Alleluia
    Easter Seq. - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today - Ignatius Pew Missal #108
    Sprinkling- I saw Water (Ward)
    Offertory - Behold the Lamb (Larson)
    Comm. - I am the bread of life + add'l verses
    Rite of Dismissal: Regina Caeli (chant) Pew Missal #8, pg.177
    Recessional - Alleluia, Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise

    Mass setting - Missa Pacem
  • Don9of11:

    What "add'l verses" did you add to Sister Suzanne Toolan's ditty?
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I am not going to offer any criticism for Toolan's Folly. I choose that one for communion about twice a year just to keep peace among the factions. Same for Amazing Grace, which is neither amazing nor graceful.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • Charles,

    My comment isn't meant as a criticism of IATBOL. I wondered what extra verses one might add, where they came from, and how they were interpolated (or integrated) with the existing text.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Understand. I have never seen extra verses. On the other hand, there are more than enough.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • This is not to say that there aren't perfectly sensible criticisms to be offered of the music, the use of the text or the various editorial improvements people have made over the years.... but....
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 700
    Chris Garton-Zavesky, the extra verses come from "Hear I Am Lord" by Mike Ward. Once we sing all the verses in "I am the bread of life" we jump to the verses in "Hear I Am Lord", then once you're done with a verse you jump back and sing the refrain "And I will raise you up..." and so on. According to our MD, the diocesan musician says as long as you have a hymn with the same meter you can do this.
  • I don't know Ward's piece. Nevertheless, Toolan's has irregular meter, so I'm hard pressed to see how any verses from absolutely anything couldn't be squeezed into that shoe.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 700
    Chris Garton-Zavesky pm me and I can send you a recording from our Easter Sunday Mass. Luckly, it was recorded.
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    At the Easter Vigil, our pastor thanked the choir first and mentioned the preparation time required to sing well for all the Triduum services! What a welcome change from last year!
  • vansensei
    Posts: 217
    Easter Vigil: Mass for Three Voices and some motets from the St. Gregory Hymnal.

    Easter Sunday: Mass I, Lux et Origo with Panis Angelicus on organ and violin.

    For the first time ever, the Vigil AND Easter Sunday were High Masses at St. Robert's. And the same guy directed both of them. I hope, with all my heart, that he slept like a log after that.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Improvisation on the Sequence
    VICTORY, The Strife is O'er
    Introit GR
    Kyrie/Gloria VIII
    Psalm LCM
    Alleluia GR
    Sequence Victoria a8 (slightly edited)
    Credo III
    Offertory, Rice
    LLANFAIR, Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion GR
    Regina Caeli, Aichinger
    Come Let's Rejoice, Amner
    EASTER HYMN, Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Trumpet Tune in D Major, McCabe