'O Sacred Head Surrounded'
  • ACabezon
    Posts: 33
    Does anyone know where one can find a 3 voice setting for the hymn 'O Sacred Head Surrounded'?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Yes, although it helps us to know why you ask and what kind of setting you're after. Does Telemann on p. 44 fit?
  • ACabezon
    Posts: 33
    The intended singers are mostly children - as a kind of devotional activity for Lent - so the simpler, the better.

    The Telemann resource looks very interesting but I was hoping to have something set to words already.

    Perhaps the version in the Adoremus hymnal can be adapted...that's my thought.
  • m_r_taylor
    Posts: 330
    The version that the Benedictines of Mary sing is in three parts, I believe, but I would not be surprised if they used their own arrangement. You might listen to it for reference?

    I think JW Pepper has a 2-voice setting for SA with instruments. https://www.jwpepper.com/O-Sacred-Head,-Now-Wounded/10544740.item#/submit but I haven't looked closely at it.
  • Um, are you related to Antonio de Cabezon, the great Spanish organist of the XVIth century?
    He served Phillip II, went to England with Phillip, and developed a friendship with Thomas Tallis.
    I played one of his alternatim Magnificats in recital last Eastertide.
  • CGM
    Posts: 709
    what sort of three-voice setting?
    — soprano/alto/bass
    — soprano/tenor/bass

    The first verse of the Benedictines of Mary recording is in just two voices, basically the soprano and alto parts of Bach's harmonization. Perhaps that will suit?
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Search sheetmusicplus
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • ACabezon
    Posts: 33
    No I am not related to the great organist and musician of the Spanish court - only an admirer.