Palm Sunday 2019
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    St Bede's Clapham Park 11am Mass
    Two sets of Male cantors for the Propers and one set of Lady Cantrix? for the Ordinary, 8 men and 3 ladies in the choir.

    Blessing of Palms (all Chant sung in full according to the G.R. 1924)
    Asperges mode 7
    ANT. Hosanna filio David.
    GRAD. In Monte Oliveti.
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (alternated with Ps. 23)
    ANT. Pueri Hebraeorum (alternated with Ps. 46)
    The above 2 Antiphons are set this way in a 1962 chant book.
    ANT. Cum audisset.
    ANT. Ante sex dies.
    ANT. Occurrunt turbae. (Ladies only)
    ANT. Cum Angelis. (Men only)
    ANT. Turba multa.
    HYMN. Gloria Laus.
    RESP. Ingrediente.

    INT. Domine ne longe.
    KYR. XVII first version
    GRAD. Tenuisti.
    TRACT. Deus deus. (alternated Cantors 1, choir, Cantos 2 etc.)
    PASSION. Victoria setting
    GOSPEL. Solemn ancient tone
    CREDO. I
    OFF. Improperium
    OFF. Hymn Magnum Salutis Gaudium
    COM. Pater si, Chant setting alternated with the Isaac polyphonic setting, with psalm verses.
    BENE. XVII first version
    Domine Saltum fac.
    Marian Anthem. Ave Regina Caelorum (simple tone)

    We sang Mass on Saturday, and we will be singing Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc. Will post the music lists during the week.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Hosanna filio David (Schubert)
    All glory laud and honor
    My God, why have you abandoned me? (Parish Book of Psalms)
    Christ became obedient (American Gradual)
    Passion According to Luke (Lassus)
    O Sacred Head
    Sanctus & Agnus XI
    Let all mortal flesh be silent
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    St Joseph, Greenwood
    Palm Sunday, 1962 style

    Hosanna Filio David.
    Pueri Hebraeorum 1 & w
    Gloria Laus Honor (first verse only, see below)
    FULL propers (even the tract, baby! Yeah!!!!!!)
    Mass XVII, Kyrie A
    Credo IV
    OFFERTORY- Parce Domine (SATB w/ drone on verses)
    O Jesu Christe, Jacquet of Mantua
    Attende Domine
    Ave Regina Caelorum (simple)
    RECESSIONAL- All Glory Laud and Honor

    Even during the chanting of the psalm verses to the Pueris, gentlemen were flipping back and forth between books when they realized the booklets they had were wrong. This begins the pell mell that is 62 Holy Week with 55 Libers.

    No procession today due to fear of weather, although it never got super bad for us until after mass. Father had just wanted to do the walk around and go straight back in without waiting at the door. But on account of weather, him and altar servers just walked right out into vestibule then came back in. If you ask me he should’ve just done the door ceremony and knocked with the cross since he was waiting there already. Then again, if I had my way, young men dressed as Old Testament saints, standing atop scaffolding outside the church, would shower down unconsecrated hosts on the faithful as they entered as well....

    Passion was spoken, not chanted, although it will be sung Friday. Everything went smoothly for what must be the most low-key Palm Sunday I’ve attended in a while, although we had to do Gradual and tract without any practice beforehand- hopefully next year our director realizes that we don’t really need to rehearse “Hosanna Filio” or “Gloria Laus Honor”.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    SS. Simon and Jude Cathedral, Phoenix - 11:00am Mass
    Hosanna filio David, Mode VII
    Pueri Hebraeorum, Victoria
    All Glory, Laud and Honor, ST. THEODULPH
    Psalm, LCM
    Christus Factus Est, Mode V
    Credo III with et Incarnatus Est from Missa Caça, Morales
    Offertory, LCM
    Thou Knowest Lord, Purcell
    Sanctus XVII
    Agnus Dei XVII
    Pater, si non potest, Mode VIII
    Communion, LCM
    My Song is Love Unknown, LOVE UNKNOWN
    Adoramus Te, Dubois
    The Royal Banners Forward Go, DEO GRACIAS
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    St Bernard’s New Bloomfield Pa

    Hosanna to the son of David - Weber
    All Glory Laud and honor ST THEODULPH
    Psalm - Ignatius Pew Missal
    Gospel Acc - Alstott Breaking Bread
    Holy Holy - Steinau melody
    Lamb of God - Gratz melody
    Father if this chalice - Weber
    What wondrous love is this WONDROUS LOVE
    When I survey the wondrous cross HAMBURG
    Ride on, ride on in majesty WINCHESTER NEW
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    St. Mary's, Tampa

    Introit - Hosanna to the Son of David (RM chant)
    Procession - All Glory, Laud, and Honor (St. Theodulph)
    Psalm 22 - Liberto (?), transcribed/adapted for English text by Leferink
    Lenten Gospel Acclamation - Haugen refrain, Leferink verse
    Offertory - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (arr. Pethel) at choral Mass, Were You There at others
    Sanctus - RM chant
    Mysterium Fidei - RM chant (Save us, Savior...)
    Danish Amen
    Agnus Dei - XVIII
    Communion - Father, If This Cup May Not Pass (Nestor)
    Recessional - Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé)
  • At St. Mary's, Kalamazoo (according to pre-1955 Holy Week):

    During Blessing of Palms:
    Hosanna Filio David (Liber Usualis)
    Asperges Me
    Collegerunt (Liber)
    Sanctus XVII
    Pueri Hebraeorum (Liber)
    Various antiphons (Liber)
    Gloria, laus (Liber)
    Ingrediente (Liber)

    During the Mass:
    Propers from Liber Usalis
    Chanted Passion of St. Matthew, with choir joining in on "Turba" parts
    Ordinary: Mass XVII, Credo II
    All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    O Vos Omnes (Gesualdo)
    Super Flumina Babylonis (Palestrina)
    Vexilla Regis (in 4 parts, from Adoremus Hymnal)

  • Saint-André - Grenoble - France
    Missale romanum 1962

    Dimanche 14 avril – Rameaux
    No asperges
    Entry ‘Hosanna filio David’ : hommes
    ‘Pueri hebræorum portantes ramos’ : women schola - alternated verses
    ‘Pueri hebræorum vestimenta’ : men schola - alternated verses
    External Procession : Lauda Jerusalem (harm. Darros)
    Nous voulons Dieu (french traditional)
    Parle, commande, règne (french traditional)
    Gloria Laus (antienne by all outside - verses by men schola inside
    Entry: ‘Ingrediente’ : men schola

    Introït : 'Domine, ne longe facias’ : women schola
    Kyrie : XVII - women schola
    Gradual : "Tenuisti" Men schola
    Tract : ‘Deus, deus meus’ psalmodié (Sorry, Stimsoninrehab :-(
    Passion : Priest and Deacon. Schola sings "Turba"
    Credo IV Men schola
    Offertoire : La nuit qu’il fut livré (french traditional)
    Sanctus : XVII women schola
    Elevation "Benedictus qui venit" (Darros)
    Agnus XVII men schola
    Communion : Deus meus (César Franck)
    Vive Jésus, vive sa Croix (french traditional)
    ‘Pater si non potest’ : women schola
    No last Gospel, no ’Ave regina cœlorum"
    recession : Attende Domine
  • We sang "Benedictus qui venit" (Darros) also.

    and "Rex Summae Majestatis", one of the many sets of lyrics set to "O Sacred Head Surrounded" (or whatever name you know this by)
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    St. Mary, Auburn, NY

    Prelude: Guilmant, March on Handel's "Lift up your heads"
    Hosanna filio David (Gregorian)
    Procession: All glory, laud, and honor
    Psalm: WLP
    Gradual: Christus factus est (from Bruckner's Choralmesse für den Gründonnerstag)
    Passion: Read, sung tomorrow
    Offertory: Improperium (Gregorian)
    Anthem: Surely he hath borne our griefs, from Messiah
    Communion: Pater si non potest (Gregorian)
    Motet: In monte Oliveti (Bruckner)
    Hymn after Communion: O Sacred Head
    Silent exit

    Ordinary and Creed (I): ICEL
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    Gamba is Fr Lioi still at St Mary, Auburn or has he retired?