Our various scholas will come together for their 2nd annual spring concert on May 31 (Feast of the Visitation), and the theme this year is "Magnificat anima mea". Among other selections, each schola will sing a different setting of the Ave Maria.
Advanced adults (our "choral scholar" 8-voice group): Victoria Teens: SAB setting by Bearer from SJMP Gr 4-8: Melody unison of Arcadelt Gr K-4: simple chant
I still need to determine the right setting for my mixed-level adult group...ideally 2-part mixed (or SAB, if simple), best accompanied. I'm open to suggestions in Latin, of course, but also interested if anyone has a lead for accessible settings in other languages.
Our own Charles Giffen has written two versions - one for 2 voice and the other for 3 voice. Go to CPDL and look up "Ave Maria" for a list of the various settings that are available in that resource - there are at least 10, several of which are 2-3 part.
Best of luck on your concert! When you have a chance, let us know the complete list of repertoire your scholas will be singing!
At our Pueri Cantores festival this year we're doing an a cappella 3-part "Ave Maria" by Julio Dominguez (published by Walton). It can also be done in unison or 2-part with a piano part. It's well-written and unlike any of the "standard" Ave Maria's out there.
There's a fellow in the Netherlands named Geert Cuypers who has, for the last decade and a-half, been curating a website where he aggregates all the "Ave Maria" compositions he can find (or that people have sent his way). At this point, he has four thousand unique listings on his site, ordered by composer.
There seem to be a lot of dangers lurking on Geert Cuypers website, if McAfee can be believed. DO NOT try it unless you have a virus checker. BUT if I start here - http://avemariasongs.org/aves/ AND immediately close any pop-ups (which McAfee blocks with dire warnings), I can see useful stuff. Perhaps @chonak could provide advice.
Happy news: the bad Javascript code that caused pop-up ads to appear has been removed from the site, so it should be safe to browse avemariasongs.org again. Thanks to Geert Cuypers for building the site and fixing the problem!
May I suggest this, the french version of the Hail Mary, very suitable in 2 or 3 mixed. part of the second voice is the latin words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMWZ9y1MARk I can send you the score : mailto etienne.debaecker @ gmail.com (without the spaces)
Yes of course. The first one is considered the traditional french version. The second is the "Chartres" version, as it was written to help pilgrims between ND de Paris and ND de Chartres, about 1 century ago, when Charles Peguy (great french poet) renewed this old pilgrimage. Then, I find the first one very austere, and the second is really too much of a march for my liking (and I have made many pilgrimages chanting it, so may be I feel now bored by it :-)... But I am totally subjective and partial in all this !!! ... Then, I just joined this site, and did not check the timing... So your spring concert is already done ! I hope it went well ! Next time, maybe !
Thank you! Last year, our Meditation Concert was on Passion Sunday and it went quite well. This year, our Meditation Concert is on Low Sunday (April 28th), so we are still ramping up for it right now (it is going to be a really good concert!). Here is some additional information: https://forum.musicasacra.com/forum/discussion/16974/meditation-concert#Item_1
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